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Daughter of the Serpentine

Par / By Naomi Novik

#2 A Dragoneer Academy


[FR] Alors qu’une jeune dragonne gravit les échelons d’une prestigieuse académie de dragonniers, les défis qu’elle doit relever sont de plus en plus nombreux et le temps lui est compté pour écarter une série de menaces mortelles, dans le deuxième volet de cette série fantastique palpitante sur le passage à l’âge adulte.


[EN] As a young dragoneer moves through the ranks of a prestigious dragonriding academy, her challenges grow greater and her time grows short to draw out a series of deadly threats, in the second installment of this thrilling coming-of-age fantasy series.

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Ileth, 15 ans, est maintenant une apprentie Dragoneuse, avec tous les avantages et les pièges que son élévation en grade comporte. Elle a survécu à de nombreux défis pour passer à l’étape suivante de sa formation, faisant le tour de l’Académie Serpentine pour en apprendre tous les aspects. Mais son avancement devient moins certain après qu’elle ait été attaquée par un ennemi inconnu, et Ileth commence à soupçonner que quelqu’un de mortel pourrait se cacher entre les murs de l’académie.

A l’extérieur des murs, le défi est tout autre. Les Rari, un groupe de pirates, renforcent leurs forces. Ce qui leur manque en puissance de feu des dragons, ils le compensent par la brutalité de leurs raids toujours plus nombreux. Entourée d’ennemis, Ileth devra apprendre quel genre de dragonnier elle veut être. Et tandis qu’elle prend des décisions sur son avenir, Ileth aura la chance de découvrir les secrets de son passé. Les deux changeront irrévocablement le cours de sa vie.


Fifteen-year-old Ileth is now an Apprentice Dragoneer, with all of the benefits and pitfalls that her elevation in rank entails. She has survived many challenges to achieve the next step in her training, making the rounds to learn each aspect of the Serpentine Academy. But her advancement becomes less certain after a she’s attacked by an unknown enemy, and Ileth begins to suspect that someone deadly may be hiding within the walls of the academy.

Outside of the walls there is a different challenge. The Rari, a group of pirates, are strengthening their forces. What they lack in dragon firepower, they make up for in the brutality of their ever-expanding raids. Surrounded by enemies, Ileth will need to learn what kind of dragoneer she wants to be. And as she makes decisions about her future, Ileth will have the chance to uncover the secrets of her past. Both will irrevocably change the course of her life.

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Auteur.rice / Author

E. E. Knight est né dans le Wisconsin, a grandi dans le Minnesota et habite maintenant Chicago, où il vit dans la félicité domestique avec sa famille et ses divers animaux domestiques. Il est l’auteur de la série Age of Fire et de la série Vampire Earth.


E. E. Knight was born in Wisconsin, grew up in Minnesota, and now calls Chicago home, where he abides in domestic felicity with his family and assorted pets. He is the author of the Age of Fire series and the Vampire Earth series.


“Knight creates a marvelous character study of a young woman within the walls of a mostly male-dominated world…Highly recommended as a crossover for adults and YA readers drawn to fantasy novels with dragons and the women who ride them.”–Library Journal (starred review)

Praise for the Dragoneer Academy series

Novice Dragoneer is deep and thoughtful, with intricate worldbuilding and resonant characters both human and draconic. Anyone who fell in love with Tamora Pierce’s Alanna will find a home here too.”—Django Wexler, author of The Infernal Battalion

“Engaging, inventive, and compulsively readable, Novice Dragoneer serves up adventure after adventure of our determined, clever heroine, along with plenty of surprises. Highly recommended.”—Howard Jones, author of For the Killing of Kings

“One of the most consistently interesting writers.”–Charlaine Harris

“An excellent fantasy coming of age story…Ileth’s journey leads her to places of wonder, but also sorrow and loss, and how she copes with the challenges is where the story telling of E. E. Knight shines.”—Booklist

“If you enjoy fantasy, dragons, training, and a wonderful young heroine, I suggest you read this book.”—The Reading Café

“Delightfully entertaining…Fans of magic school stories will especially take great pleasure in it.”—The Bibliosanctum

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