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A Mirror Mended

Par / By Alix E. Harrow

#2 Fractured Fables


[FR] Zinnia Gray, réparatrice professionnelle de contes de fées et ancienne Belle au bois dormant, en a assez de sauver des princesses ronflantes. Une fois que vous avez sauvé une douzaine de demoiselles et brûlé cinquante fuseaux, une fois que vous vous êtes saoulé avec vingt bonnes fées et que vous avez flirté avec un membre de trop de la famille royale, vous commencez à souhaiter que certaines de ces filles se ressaisissent et essaient de résoudre leurs propres problèmes narratifs.


[EN] Zinnia Gray, professional fairy-tale fixer and lapsed Sleeping Beauty is over rescuing snoring princesses. Once you’ve rescued a dozen damsels and burned fifty spindles, once you’ve gotten drunk with twenty good fairies and made out with one too many members of the royal family, you start to wish some of these girls would just get a grip and try solving their own narrative issues.


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A Mirror Mended est le prochain épisode de la série Fractured Fables d’Alix E. Harrow, auteur à succès de USA Today. Harrow dans la série Fractured Fables.

Zinnia Gray, réparatrice professionnelle de contes de fées et ancienne Belle au bois dormant, en a assez de sauver des princesses ronflantes. Une fois que vous avez sauvé une douzaine de demoiselles et brûlé cinquante fuseaux, une fois que vous vous êtes saoulé avec vingt bonnes fées et que vous avez flirté avec un membre de trop de la famille royale, vous commencez à souhaiter que certaines de ces filles se ressaisissent et essaient de résoudre leurs propres problèmes narratifs.

Au moment où Zinnia commence à penser qu’elle ne peut pas supporter une princesse de plus, elle se regarde dans un miroir et voit un autre visage qui lui fait face : le visage du mal, d’une beauté choquante, qui lui demande de l’aide. Car il y a plus d’une personne piégée dans une histoire qu’elle n’a pas choisie. La Méchante Reine de Blanche Neige a découvert comment son histoire se termine et elle est désespérée pour une meilleure fin. Elle veut que Zinnia l’aide avant qu’il ne soit trop tard pour tout le monde.

Zinnia acceptera-t-elle la demande empoisonnée de la Reine, et les sauvera-t-elle toutes les deux des chaussures de fer brûlantes qui les attendent, ou tentera-t-elle une autre voie ?


A Mirror Mended is the next installment in USA Today bestselling author Alix E. Harrow’s Fractured Fables series.

Zinnia Gray, professional fairy-tale fixer and lapsed Sleeping Beauty is over rescuing snoring princesses. Once you’ve rescued a dozen damsels and burned fifty spindles, once you’ve gotten drunk with twenty good fairies and made out with one too many members of the royal family, you start to wish some of these girls would just get a grip and try solving their own narrative issues.

Just when Zinnia’s beginning to think she can’t handle one more princess, she glances into a mirror and sees another face looking back at her: the shockingly gorgeous face of evil, asking for her help. Because there’s more than one person trapped in a story they didn’t choose. Snow White’s Evil Queen has found out how her story ends and she’s desperate for a better ending. She wants Zinnia to help her before it’s too late for everyone.

Will Zinnia accept the Queen’s poisonous request, and save them both from the hot iron shoes that wait for them, or will she try another path?

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Auteur.rice / Author

Ancienne universitaire et adjointe, Alix E. Harrow est une écrivaine lauréate d’un Hugo-award qui vit en Virginie avec son mari et leurs deux enfants semi-fermés. Elle est l’auteur de The Ten Thousand Doors of January, The Once and Future Witches, et de diverses nouvelles. Retrouvez-la sur Twitter !


A former academic and adjunct, Alix E. Harrow is a Hugo-award winning writer living in Virginia with her husband and their two semi-feral kids. She is the author of The Ten Thousand Doors of January, The Once and Future Witches, and various short fiction. Find her on Twitter!


A Goodreads Most Anticipated Summer Read!

A SIBA 2023 Southern Book Prize Finalist!

A Paste Magazine Best New Fantasy of 2022!

“A lively, engaging fairy-tale retelling perfect for devouring in a single sitting.” ―Kirkus Reviews

“Series fans and lovers of fractured fairy tales will find plenty to hold their attention.” ―Publishers Weekly

“Readers who love stories that twist narratives into knots will fall for Harrow’s fractured fairy tale” ―Library Journal

“Zinnia is a wonderfully unique figure in the long tradition of bibliofantasy: a reluctant heroine whose superpower doesn’t derive from spindles or mirrors, but from skillfully deconstructing the very stories she’s in.” ―Locus

Praise for A Spindle Splintered

An NPR Best Book of 2021

Shortlisted For the 2022 Hugo Award

“A vivid, subversive and feminist reimagining of Sleeping Beauty, where implacable destiny is no match for courage, sisterhood, stubbornness and a good working knowledge of fairy tales.” ―Katherine Arden, bestselling author of the Winternight trilogy

“An exceptional heroine, smart writing, and a winning plot.” ―Nancy Pearl

“It’s funny, sharp, queer, and deeply loves its source material…This novella pushes against the hopelessness of inevitability; it dares us to believe in sympathetic magic; it tells us we’re connected through story. It might dent your heart a little, but it’s good fun.” ―NPR

“Like Into the Spider-Verse for Disney princesses, A Spindle Splintered is a delightful mash-up featuring Alix E. Harrow’s trademark beautiful prose and whip-smart characters.” ―Mike Chen, author of Here and Now and Then

“A wonderfully imaginative, and Queer as hell, tale for those who wish to be the authors of their own stories.” ―Kalynn Bayron, author of Cinderella is Dead

“This is a self-aware, empowered riff on Sleeping Beauty that manages to be thrilling, funny, smart, and sweet.” ―Sarah Pinsker, Nebula Award-winning author of A Song for a New Day

“Alix Harrow takes traditional fairy tales, turns them inside out, then upside down, and uses them to kick ass. Brava!” ―Ellen Klages, Nebula and World Fantasy Award-winning author of The Green Glass Sea and Passing Strange

“Harrow creates a lush and magical world with well-developed characters who are easy to love and root for.” ―School Library Journal, starred review

“Themes of female friendship, female strength, and female independence leave good feels behind, not to mention some laugh-out-loud bits…This fairy tale–superhero movie mashup is pure entertainment.” ―Kirkus Reviews

“Best-selling author Harrow revives and rejuvenates the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale with a feminist twist in her latest… Harrow uses her excellent skill as a storyteller to give agency back to the passive princess.” ―Booklist

“Accompanied by Arthur Rackham’s original illustrations, this quick read is a must for fairy-tale readers.” ―Buzzfeed, Best Books of October List

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