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A River Enchanted

Par/By Rebecca Ross

#1 Elements of Cadence


[FR] House of Earth and Blood rencontre The Witch’s Heart dans le brillant premier roman fantastique pour adultes de Rebecca Ross, qui se déroule sur l’île magique de Cadence où deux ennemis d’enfance doivent faire équipe pour découvrir pourquoi des filles disparaissent de leur clan.


[EN] House of Earth and Blood meets The Witch’s Heart in Rebecca Ross’s brilliant first adult fantasy, set on the magical isle of Cadence where two childhood enemies must team up to discover why girls are going missing from their clan.


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Jack Tamerlaine n’a pas mis les pieds sur Cadence depuis dix longues années, se contentant d’étudier la musique à l’université du continent. Mais lorsque des jeunes filles commencent à disparaître de l’île, Jack est rappelé chez lui pour aider à les retrouver. Les enchantements sont profonds sur Cadence : les ragots sont portés par le vent, les châles à carreaux peuvent être aussi solides qu’une armure, et le moindre coup de couteau peut inspirer une peur insondable. Les esprits capricieux qui gouvernent l’île par le feu, l’eau, la terre et le vent trouvent leur compte dans la vie des humains qui y vivent. Adaira, héritière de l’est et ennemie d’enfance de Jack, sait que les esprits ne répondent qu’à la musique d’un barde, et elle espère que Jack pourra les attirer par la chanson, les incitant à ramener les filles disparues.

Alors que Jack et Adaira travaillent ensemble à contrecœur, ils découvrent qu’ils sont meilleurs alliés que rivaux et que leur partenariat se transforme en quelque chose de plus. Mais avec chaque chanson qui passe, il devient évident que le problème avec les esprits est beaucoup plus sinistre qu’ils ne le pensaient au départ, et un secret plus ancien et plus sombre sur Cadence se cache sous la surface, menaçant de les détruire tous.

Avec des personnages inoubliables, une intrigue rapide et un univers fascinant, A River Enchanted est une histoire émouvante de devoir, d’amour et du pouvoir d’un véritable partenariat, et marque l’entrée brillante de Rebecca Ross sur la scène de la fantasy pour adultes.


Jack Tamerlaine hasn’t stepped foot on Cadence in ten long years, content to study music at the mainland university. But when young girls start disappearing from the isle, Jack is summoned home to help find them. Enchantments run deep on Cadence: gossip is carried by the wind, plaid shawls can be as strong as armor, and the smallest cut of a knife can instill fathomless fear. The capricious spirits that rule the isle by fire, water, earth, and wind find mirth in the lives of the humans who call the land home. Adaira, heiress of the east and Jack’s childhood enemy, knows the spirits only answer to a bard’s music, and she hopes Jack can draw them forth by song, enticing them to return the missing girls.

As Jack and Adaira reluctantly work together, they find they make better allies than rivals as their partnership turns into something more. But with each passing song, it becomes apparent the trouble with the spirits is far more sinister than they first expected, and an older, darker secret about Cadence lurks beneath the surface, threatening to undo them all.

With unforgettable characters, a fast-paced plot, and compelling world building, A River Enchanted is a stirring story of duty, love, and the power of true partnership, and marks Rebecca Ross’s brilliant entry on the adult fantasy stage.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Rebecca Ross écrit des romans de fantasy pour adolescents et adultes. Elle vit dans les contreforts des Appalaches, dans le nord-est de la Géorgie, avec son mari, un berger australien plein de vie et une pile infinie de livres. Quand elle n’écrit pas, on peut la trouver en train de lire ou dans son jardin, où elle fait pousser des fleurs sauvages et des idées d’histoires. Retrouvez-la sur Instagram @beccajross.


Rebecca Ross writes fantasy novels for teens and adults. She lives in the Appalachian foothills of Northeast Georgia with her husband, a lively Australian Shepherd, and an endless pile of books. When not writing, she can be found reading or in her garden, where she grows wildflowers and story ideas. Find her on Instagram @beccajross.


“A vivid fantasy that is impossible to put down.” — Booklist (starred review)

“Vividly imagined . . . This will appeal to lovers of fantasy from Name of the Wind to the Earthsea series.” — Publishers Weekly

“With lush worldbuilding and lyrical prose, A River Enchanted feels like the echo of a folktale from a world right next to our own.” — Hannah Whitten, New York Times bestselling author of For the Wolf

“An alluring and rich tale, at once a fast-paced mystery and a love story as warm as a hearth. Like music, it will bewitch your senses, carrying you to the wind-swept hills and effervescent waters of the isle of Cadence. A River Enchanted made me homesick for places I’ve never been. This is a classic in the making.” — Ava Reid, internationally bestselling author of The Wolf and the Woodsman

“Riveting and richly imagined, A River Enchanted flows like a song you cannot forget. Rebecca Ross has crafted a tale as tricksy and elemental as the human—and inhuman—heart.” — A.G. Slatter, award-winning author of All the Murmuring Bones

“Reading A River Enchanted is like being swept away by a song. The novel is exquisitely crafted and rich with emotion. I loved every word of it!” — Danielle L. Jensen, USA Today bestselling author of The Bridge Kingdom

“Missing girls, an enchanted island, two enemies forced to work together—I was hooked from the first page. Rebecca Ross’s debut adult novel does not disappoint!” — Shea Ernshaw, New York Times bestselling author of A History of Wild Places

“A River Enchanted is a melodic and sweeping tale filled with whimsical magic, unforgettable characters, and heartfelt romance. Every line is a lyrical masterpiece, breathlessly taking you on a poignant journey through the mystical isle of Cadence. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough! — Isabel Ibañez, author of Woven in Moonlight

“A tale that blends political intrigue with elements of a fantasy thriller. . . Ross has built a fully realized world clearly inspired by Scottish myth and legend and thick with heroes. . . A rich fantasy of bards and bairns in which the magical island setting becomes the main character.” — Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“Delightfully atmospheric, this compelling first book in a new fantasy series makes for a perfect rainy day read.” — Buzzfeed

“A sublime mix of romance, intrigue and myth, A River Enchanted is a stunning addition to the canon of Celtic-inspired fantasy. With its lyrical prose and tight world building, this story is both modern and timeless, drawing from the traditions of genre greats like Steven Lawhead and marrying them to the sensibilities of modern works like Genevieve Gornichec’s The Witch’s Heart and Tana French’s In the Woods.” — BookPage (starred review)

“A complex exploration of nature, family, and what the idea of home means, there’s plenty to love here, and much to build upon in the Cadence duology’s forthcoming second half.” — Paste Magazine

“[Ross] has written into existence some of the most beautiful passages I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading in a fantasy novel….A River Enchanted plucked just the right notes for me, holding me bound in a bewitched thrall until the final page.” — GateCrashers

“A gorgeous and thoughtful addition to the fantasy genre.” — Popsugar

“The word that comes to mind when I think back on this book is ‘lovely’. The characters in this novel are so well-written, you’ll forget you’re reading about fictional people.” — Richmond News

A River Enchanted swept me away from the very first page. A memorable cast, a unique magic system, and a mystery that will keep you turning the pages long past bedtime, Rebecca Ross’s adult debut is truly magical.” — Genevieve Gornichec, bestselling author of The Witch’s Heart

A River Enchanted is exquisitely written with compelling characters and romance, and a gripping story that kept me captivated. I was swept away by the enchanting and magical world Rebecca Ross crafted, and loved every moment of it.” — Sue Lynn Tan, author of Daughter of the Moon Goddess

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