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Dark Earth: A Novel

Par / By Rebecca Stott


[FR] À la fois intime et cinématographique, Dark Earth recrée un monde ancien imprégné de mythes et de folklore, et nous présente des femmes inoubliables qui prennent vie sur le papier. Ce roman magnifique et profond sur l’oppression et le pouvoir nous fait découvrir un point de vue féminin sur une période historique dominée par les histoires d’hommes.


[EN] With an intimate yet cinematic scope, Dark Earth re-creates an ancient world steeped in myth and folklore, and introduces us to unforgettable women who come to vibrant life on the page. A heart-in-mouth adventure full of moments of tenderness, this is a beautiful, profound novel about oppression and power that puts a female perspective on a historical period dominated by men’s stories.


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Nous sommes en l’an 500 de notre ère. Les sœurs Isla et Blue vivent dans l’ombre de la ville fantôme, les ruines abandonnées de Londinium, une colonie romaine autrefois glorieuse et large d’un kilomètre, sur les rives de la Tamise. Mais la petite île qui leur sert de foyer est aussi un lieu d’exil pour Isla, Blue et leur père, un forgeron légendaire accusé d’utiliser la magie noire pour fabriquer ses épées à langue de feu – des lames redoutables qui ne peuvent être brisées – et mis à l’écart de la communauté. Lorsqu’il meurt subitement, les sœurs se retrouvent réduites en esclavage par le seigneur de guerre local et son fils cruel et assoiffé de pouvoir. Leur seule option est de s’échapper vers la ville fantôme, où elles découvrent un monde souterrain de femmes rebelles vivant secrètement au milieu des ruines. Mais si Isla et Blue veulent survivre aux hommes qui les chassent et protéger leur nouvelle communauté, elles devront faire appel à toutes leurs compétences et à leur ingéniosité, ainsi qu’à la magie de leurs aïeules, pour se défendre.


The year is 500 AD. Sisters Isla and Blue live in the shadows of the Ghost City, the abandoned ruins of the once-glorious mile-wide Roman settlement Londinium on the bank of the River Thames. But the small island they call home is also a place of exile for Isla, Blue, and their father, a legendary blacksmith accused of using dark magic to make his firetongue swords—formidable blades that cannot be broken—and cast out from the community. When he dies suddenly, the sisters find themselves facing enslavement by the local warlord and his cruel, power-hungry son. Their only option is to escape to the Ghost City, where they discover an underworld of rebel women living secretly amid the ruins. But if Isla and Blue are to survive the men who hunt them, and protect their new community, they will need to use all their skill and ingenuity—as well as the magic of their foremothers—to fight back.

Poids 454 g
Dimensions 14.68 × 2.77 × 21.69 cm

Auteur.rice / Author

Rebecca Stott est professeur émérite de littérature anglaise et de création littéraire à l’université d’East Anglia à Norwich, en Angleterre. Elle est l’auteur de Darwin’s Ghosts et Darwin and the Barnacle, des romans The Coral Thief et Ghostwalk, best-seller national, et, plus récemment, des mémoires primés In the Days of Rain. Elle contribue régulièrement à la BBC Radio et vit à Norwich.


Rebecca Stott is emeritus professor of English literature and creative writing at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England. She is the author of Darwin’s Ghosts and Darwin and the Barnacle; the novels The Coral Thief and the national bestseller Ghostwalk; and, most recently, the award-winning memoir In the Days of Rain. She is a regular contributor to BBC Radio and lives in Norwich.


“[Stott] has created something radically new and beautiful. . . . This is a book that seeks to do for British myth what Natalie Haynes and Madeline Miller have done so brilliantly for classical literature: uncovering stories of feminine power that have been occluded by the male hand of history. . . . ”The Guardian

“A work of elegant historical fantasy with great intellect, curiosity, imagination and empathy that is utterly compelling . . . Stott writes into the silences of the historical record as an act of revelation—what emerges are complex characters, with fascinating stories, who are enriched with a zeal for survival. . . . It is difficult to imagine any reader not becoming bewitched by Dark Earth.”The Irish Times

“Evocative and compelling . . . History and geography merge with myth and magic.”—Eastern Daily Press

“At the heart of Rebecca Stott’s Dark Earth are those things as old as time itself: the love between two sisters, the bonds that bring women together, the power of telling a story around a fire. Though Stott turns her expert eye back thousands of years, this novel pulses with the energy of a brave new world, a world as beautiful as it is dangerous, where a belief in myth and magic can save your life.”—Katherine J. Chen, author of Joan: A Novel of Joan of Arc

“Evocative and richly mythic, Dark Earth pays homage to the quiet triumph of women working together to build a better world. . . . A truly beautiful book.”—Lucy Holland, author of Sistersong

“A magical and evocative book that so deftly explores an era of British history that has been overlooked too long, Dark Earth delights, transports, chills and charms in equal measure.”—Imogen Hermes Gowar, author of The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock

“An ancient tapestry of legend brilliantly rewoven: hope, courage, men’s violence and women’s magic in an age of ruins and new beginnings.”—Francis Spufford, author of Light Perpetual

Dark Earth skillfully imagines a past world where women must fight to survive in a society of feuds, violence and nation-building.”—Elizabeth Macneal, author of The Doll Factory

“A thrilling exploration of human kindness, ingenuity and cruelty, told through a tale of ancient London at one of its iconic points of destruction and rebirth.”—Alice Albinia, author of Cwen

“. . . a memorable achievement.”Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“Stott builds a rich world from fragments of fact and mythic imagining. . . . Stott fills holes in written history with magic, mythic resonance, and twenty-first-century wish fulfillment.”Kirkus Reviews (starred review)