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In the Watchful City

Par / By S. Qiouyi Lu


[FR] Dans la tradition des Villes invisibles d’Italo Calvino, l’auteur S. Qiouyi Lu a écrit avec In the Watchful City une histoire à multiples facettes sur les frontières, le pouvoir, la diaspora et la transformation.


[EN] In the tradition of Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities, debut author S. Qiouyi Lu has written a multifaceted story of borders, power, diaspora, and transformation with In the Watchful City.


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La ville d’Ora nous regarde.

Anima est une humaine extrasensorielle chargée de surveiller et de protéger les citoyens d’Ora via un réseau vivant complexe appelé le Gleaming. Bien que son monde soit limité à ce qu’elle peut voir et expérimenter à travers le Gleaming, Anima est fière et rassurée de garder Ora à l’abri du danger.

Lorsqu’un mystérieux étranger entre dans la ville en portant un cabinet de curiosités provenant du monde entier avec une histoire attachée à chaque objet, le monde d’Anima s’étend au-delà des frontières d’Ora vers des lieux – et des possibilités – qu’æ n’aurait jamais imaginé exister. Mais ces connaissances laissent Anima face à une question qui remet en cause son objectif : à quoi sert une ville si elle ne peut pas protéger ses habitants ?


The city of Ora is watching.

Anima is an extrasensory human tasked with surveilling and protecting Ora’s citizens via a complex living network called the Gleaming. Although ær world is restricted to what æ can see and experience through the Gleaming, Anima takes pride and comfort in keeping Ora safe from harm.

When a mysterious outsider enters the city carrying a cabinet of curiosities from around with the world with a story attached to each item, Anima’s world expands beyond the borders of Ora to places—and possibilities—æ never before imagined to exist. But such knowledge leaves Anima with a question that throws into doubt ær entire purpose: What good is a city if it can’t protect its people?

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Auteur.rice / Author

S. Qiouyi Lu écrit et traduit entre deux côtes du Pacifique. Son œuvre, qui comprend de la fiction, de la poésie et des essais, a été publiée dans plusieurs revues primées. In the Watchful City est sa première nouvelle. Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur S. sur son site web ou sur Twitter.


S. Qiouyi Lu writes and translates between two coasts of the Pacific. Ær work, including fiction, poetry, and essays, has appeared in several award-winning venues. In the Watchful City is ær first novella. You can find out more about S. at ær website or on Twitter.


“Beautiful prose, a complex structure, and well-wrought Asian-influenced worldbuilding. . . . This masterful work positions Lu among the vanguard of contemporary futurism and speculative fiction.”―Publishers Weekly, starred review

“Lu has built a complex and fascinating world, futuristic and strange.”―Booklist

“For those cyberpunks looking for a beautiful fantasy story, this is a truly amazing novella.”―San Francisco Book Review

“[A] modern myth, echoing the contemporary without commenting on it directly”―4Columns

“Lu has crafted an impressive mythos that draws from the traditions and legends of a variety of cultures.”―New Scientist Magazine

“Stories within stories, possibilities within impossibilities: In the Watchful City is half-tapestry, half-menagerie, adding up to an intricate, transcendent fantasy.”―Chuck Wendig

“An intricately nested cyberpunk story that perfectly represents the best of the genre while exploring entirely new territory.”―Premee Mohamed

In the Watchful City is piercing and precise, threading grief and joy through your heart as it examines the ties that bind people to one another.”―Andrea Stewart

“A wild, wonderful, dizzying ride I didn’t want to end. The worldbuilding is as intricate and intoxicating as the characters are wrenchingly alive. In the Watchful City trumpets the arrival of a major new talent.”―Sam J. Miller