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The Refrigerator Monologues

Par/By Catherynne M. Valente


[FR] L’auteur à succès du New York Times, Catherynne Valente, nous offre un riff féroce sur les femmes dans les bandes dessinées de super-héros.


[EN] From the New York Times bestselling author Catherynne Valente comes a ferocious riff on the women in superhero comics.

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Catherynne Valente, auteur à succès du New York Times, nous propose une série d’histoires liées entre elles, racontant le point de vue des épouses et des petites amies de super-héros, de femmes héroïnes et de tous ceux qui ont été ” réfrigérés ” : des femmes de bandes dessinées qui ont été tuées, violées, soumises à un lavage de cerveau, rendues folles, handicapées ou à qui on a retiré leurs pouvoirs pour que l’histoire d’un super-héros masculin puisse progresser.

Dans un univers de super-héros entièrement nouveau et original, Valente explore de manière subversive ces idées et ces thèmes dans le genre super-héros, en les traitant avec le même amour, la même gravité et le même humour que ses contes de fées. Après tout, les super-héros sont nos nouveaux contes de fées et ces six femmes ont leurs propres histoires à partager.


From the New York Times bestselling author Catherynne Valente comes a series of linked stories from the points of view of the wives and girlfriends of superheroes, female heroes, and anyone who’s ever been “refrigerated”: comic book women who are killed, raped, brainwashed, driven mad, disabled, or had their powers taken so that a male superhero’s storyline will progress.

In an entirely new and original superhero universe, Valente subversively explores these ideas and themes in the superhero genre, treating them with the same love, gravity, and humor as her fairy tales. After all, superheroes are our new fairy tales and these six women have their own stories to share.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Catherynne M. Valente est l’auteur à succès du New York Times de plus d’une vingtaine d’ouvrages de fiction et de poésie, dont Palimpsest, la série Orphan’s Tales, Deathless, Radiance, et le phénomène de crowdfunding The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (et les quatre livres qui l’ont suivi). Elle a remporté les prix Andre Norton, Tiptree, Sturgeon, Eugie Foster Memorial, Mythopoeic, Rhysling, Lambda, Locus et Hugo, ainsi que le Prix Imaginales. Valente a également été finaliste pour les prix Nebula et World Fantasy. Elle vit sur une île au large des côtes du Maine avec une petite ménagerie grandissante de bêtes, dont certaines sont humaines.

Ana Juan est une illustratrice de renommée mondiale, connue aux États-Unis pour ses magnifiques couvertures du magazine The New Yorker, ainsi que pour les livres pour enfants The Night Eater et Frida, écrits par Jonah Winter. Elle vit en Espagne.


Catherynne M. Valente is the New York Times bestselling author of over two dozen works of fiction and poetry, including Palimpsest, the Orphan’s Tales series, Deathless, Radiance, and the crowdfunded phenomenon The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (and the four books that followed it). She is the winner of the Andre Norton, Tiptree, Sturgeon, Eugie Foster Memorial, Mythopoeic, Rhysling, Lambda, Locus, and Hugo awards, as well as the Prix Imaginales. Valente has also been a finalist for the Nebula and World Fantasy Awards. She lives on an island off the coast of Maine with a small but growing menagerie of beasts, some of which are human.
Ana Juan is a world-renowned illustrator known in the United States for her wonderful covers for The New Yorker magazine, as well as the children’s books The Night Eater, and Frida, written by Jonah Winter. She lives in Spain.


One of The 11 Best Books of 2017 : Vox.com

“This is Valente at her sharpest and most pointed, ably assisted by illustrations from comics artist Annie Wu (Black Canary).”
— Publishers Weekly (STARRED REVIEW)

“Valente proves her adroitness with imagery and emotion in this extraordinary book of linked stories.” — Library Journal (STARRED REVIEW)

“In this novella, the superhero girlfriend gets to tell her own version of events in the afterlife. The women’s voices are strong: bitter and full of pain, yet steel-tipped in sarcasm and humor.” — The Washington Post

“”The real fun of The Refrigerator Monologues comes from Valente’s hyper-stylized voice, inflected by turns with pop, jazz, and opera as she moves from heroine to heroine, genre to genre. It’s by turns bitingly sarcastic and wistfully regretful, and always ferociously angry at the narrative in which this collection of women has been trapped.” — Vox

“The illustrations by longtime comic artist Annie Wu are an extra gift to this heartbreaking series of stories. Don’t turn from their stories, no matter how hard they can be to hear. Verdict: Buy it, damn you, and listen to their stories.” – BookRiot

“It’s hard to single out one tale. They are all of a piece- and they expertly dissect a common type of lazy storytelling that still crops up far too frequently. It’s not about angry polemics; instead, these monologues have their own energy and life that is both painful and captivating” — Locus Magazine

“Readers adventurous enough to parachute into unfamiliar literary territory will be rewarded by Valente’s biting wit, outlandish world-building and well-focused sense of outrage.” — Portland Press Herald