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Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

Par / By Gabrielle Zevin


[FR] Dans ce roman exaltant de l’auteur à succès de The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry, deux amis – souvent amoureux, mais jamais amants – se retrouvent partenaires créatifs dans le monde de la conception de jeux vidéo, où le succès leur apporte gloire, joie, tragédie, duplicité et, finalement, une sorte d’immortalité.


[EN] In this exhilarating novel by the best-selling author of The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry two friends—often in love, but never lovers—come together as creative partners in the world of video game design, where success brings them fame, joy, tragedy, duplicity, and, ultimately, a kind of immortality.

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Par un froid glacial, au mois de décembre de sa première année à Harvard, Sam Masur sort d’un wagon de métro et aperçoit, au milieu des hordes de personnes qui attendent sur le quai, Sadie Green. Il l’appelle par son nom. Pendant un moment, elle fait semblant de ne pas l’avoir entendu, puis elle se retourne, et un jeu commence : une collaboration légendaire qui les lancera vers la célébrité. Ils empruntent de l’argent, mendient des faveurs et, avant même d’avoir obtenu leur diplôme universitaire, ils ont créé leur première superproduction, Ichigo : un jeu où les joueurs peuvent échapper aux limites d’un corps et aux trahisons d’un cœur, et où la mort ne signifie rien d’autre qu’une chance de recommencer et de jouer à nouveau. C’est l’histoire des mondes parfaits que Sam et Sadie construisent, du monde imparfait dans lequel ils vivent, et de tout ce qui vient après le succès : L’argent. La gloire. La duplicité. Tragédie.

S’étendant sur plus de trente ans, de Cambridge, dans le Massachusetts, à Venice Beach, en Californie, en passant par des contrées intermédiaires et lointaines, Demain, et Demain, et Demain de Gabrielle Zevin est un roman éblouissant, à l’imagination complexe, qui examine la nature multiforme de l’identité, les jeux en tant que forme d’art, la technologie et l’expérience humaine, le handicap, l’échec, les possibilités de rédemption dans le jeu et, par-dessus tout, notre besoin de nous connecter : d’être aimé et d’aimer. Oui, c’est une histoire d’amour, mais ce n’est pas une histoire que vous avez déjà lue.


On a bitter cold day, in the December of his Junior Year at Harvard, Sam Masur exits a subway car and sees, amid the hordes of people waiting on the platform, Sadie Green. He calls her name. For a moment, she pretends she hasn’t heard him, but then, she turns, and a game begins: a legendary collaboration that will launch them to stardom. They borrow money, beg favours, and, before even graduating college, they have created their first blockbuster, Ichigo: a game where players can escape the confines of a body and the betrayals of a heart, and where death means nothing more than a chance to restart and play again. This is the story of the perfect worlds Sam and Sadie build, the imperfect world they live in, and of everything that comes after success: Money. Fame. Duplicity. Tragedy.

Spanning over thirty years, from Cambridge, Massachusetts, to Venice Beach, California, and lands in between and far beyond, Gabrielle Zevin’s Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is a dazzling and intricately imagined novel that examines the multifarious nature of identity, games as artform, technology and the human experience, disability, failure, the redemptive possibilities in play, and above all, our need to connect: to be loved and to love. Yes, it is a love story, but it is not one you have read before.

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Auteur.rice / Author

GABRIELLE ZEVIN est un auteur à succès international et acclamé par la critique dont les livres ont été traduits en trente-huit langues. Son huitième roman, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, a passé plusieurs mois sur la liste des best-sellers du New York Times, a été un best-seller de USA Today, et a été un best-seller dans le monde entier. Elle a également écrit des livres pour enfants et jeunes adultes, dont le primé Elsewhere. Elle vit à Los Angeles.


GABRIELLE ZEVIN is an internationally bestselling and critically acclaimed author whose books have been translated into thirty-eight languages. Her eighth novel, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, spent several months on the New York Times bestseller list, was a USA Today bestseller, and has been a bestseller all around the world. She has also written books for children and young adults, including the award-winning Elsewhere. She lives in Los Angeles.


“I recently read this book and loved it — it’s the story of a friendship that waxes and wanes and evolves over the years, the kind that seldom gets depicted in fiction. Plus, it’s a love letter to video games, the stories they tell and the way we use art to try to make meaning in our lives.”
—Celeste Ng, internationally bestselling author of Little Fires Everywhere

“My #1 book to recommend….Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow [is] incredible, like The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon meets The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer. It’s about love and friendship and video games.”
—Emma Straub, New York Times bestselling author of The Vacationers

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow is the sort of book that comes around once in a decade—a magnificent feat of storytelling. It is a book about the intersection between love and friendship, work and vocation, and the impossible and relentless pull of our own west-bound destinies. Gabrielle Zevin is one of our greatest living novelists, and Tomorrow just may be her magnum opus. Remarkable.”
—Rebecca Serle, bestselling author of One Italian Summer

“A beautifully wrought saga of human connection and the creative process, of love and all of its complicated levels. A gem of a novel, intimate yet sweeping, modern yet timeless. Bits of this book lingered in my head the way ghosts of Tetris pieces continue to fall in your mind’s eye after playing.”
—Erin Morgenstern, bestselling author of The Starless Sea

“Is there such a thing as the Great American Gamer Novel? Because if not, I believe Gabrielle Zevin just invented it. She has crafted a brilliant story about life’s most challenging puzzles: friendship, family, love, loss. By turns funny, poignant, wistful, and occasionally devastating, this book absolutely owned me—in the very best way.”
—Nathan Hill, author of The Nix

“Gabrielle Zevin has written an exquisite love letter to life with all its rose gardens and minefields. With wisdom and vulnerability, she explores the very nature of human connection. This novel, and its unforgettable characters, know no boundaries. To read this book is to laugh, to mourn, to learn, and to grow.”
—Tayari Jones, author of An American Marriage

“You get so invested so fast in Sadie and Sam that this story about the fragility of creativity and love becomes a page-turner you just can’t put down…. Riveting.”
—Michael Connelly, bestselling author

“Delightful and absorbing…. Expansive and entertaining…. Literary Gamers will cherish the world she’s lovingly conjured [and] everyone else will wonder what took them so long to recognize in video games the beauty and drama and pain of human creation.”
—The New York Times

“A tour de force…. A moving demonstration of the blended power of fiction and gaming…. [Zevin has written a novel that draws any curious reader into the pioneering days of a vast entertainment industry too often scorned by bookworms. And with the depth and sensitivity of a fine fiction writer, she argues for the abiding appeal of the flickering screen.”
—The Washington Post

“Utterly absorbing…. [For] Sam and Sadie—and their third best friend, Marx Watanabe—games are a means of connection. Unlike a book, a game isn’t complete until someone else plays it. Over the course of 30 years, Sam, Sadie, and Marx hand each other games, their hearts’ blood. “Understand me,” they tell each other in not so many words. “Play with me. Love me.”…What is friendship but time spent together? And what are hobbies but love?…Maybe we’d all be better off if we had more ways to say to one another, “Hey, I’d like to spend a lot of time with you.”

”Engrossing….Though it contains plenty of nostalgia for the pioneer age of 1990s game design, this isn’t primarily a novel of nerdy insider references…. Videogames happen to be the medium by which [Zevin’s characters] best express themselves and share in each other’s life.“
—The Wall Street Journal

“[A] remarkably absorbing portrait of friendship, identity, and the urge to create something beautiful, whether it be on the page or in pixels…. [Zevin] clearly knows her way around an RPG, but it’s the analog intimacy of Tomorrow’s wise, sensitive storytelling that stays.”
—Entertainment Weekly

“Woven throughout [Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow] are meditations on originality, appropriation, the similarities between video games and other forms of art, the liberating possibilities of inhabiting a virtual world, and the ways in which platonic love can be deeper and more rewarding—especially in the context of a creative partnership—than romance.”
—The New Yorker

“This is a boy meets girl story that is never a romance – though it is romantic…. An artfully balanced novel – charming but never saccharine. The world Zevin has created is textured, expansive and, just like those built by her characters, playful.”
The Guardian (UK)

”Two friends, who are often in love, but never lovers, must contend with the fame, joy and tragedy that comes with success…. This love story… is anything but predictable.“
—E! News

“[An] extraordinary coming-of-age/love story/social novel…. The story follows terrific characters from youth into their adult lives as founders of a successful gaming company. Even if you couldn’t care less about video games, Zevin’s signature narrative charms will still keep you riveted.”

”Enthralling…. A sweeping narrative about a male-female relationship that’s not romantic, but, rather, grounded on shared passions and fierce arguments…. Above all, Zevin’s novel explores the thrills and frustration of creative work…. A big, beautifully written novel about an underexplored topic, that succeeds in being both serious art and immersive entertainment.“

“[Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow] is an engrossing meditation on creativity and love and perhaps the first novel to wrestle with the culture and meaning of this often-misunderstood medium. [It’s] an optimistic treatise on video games as a legitimate creative endeavour….”
—The Guardian

”Big-hearted, generous, intelligent, and open to the complexities of life.”

“[Zevin] returns with an exhilarating epic of friendship, grief, and computer game development…. [She] layers the narrative with her characters’ wrenching emotional wounds as their relationships wax and wane…. Even more impressive are the visionary and transgressive games…. This is a one-of-a-kind achievement.”
Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“[R]iveting…. Zevin has written the book she was born to write, a love letter to every aspect of gaming…. [Her] delight in her characters, their qualities, and their projects sprinkles a layer of fairy dust over the whole enterprise. Sure to enchant even those who have never played a video game in their lives, with instant cult status for those who have.”
Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“[A] brilliant tale of identity, human connection, and yes, love in all of its myriad of forms.”

“Zevin creates beautifully flawed characters often caught between the real and gaming worlds, which are cleverly juxtaposed to highlight their similarities and differences. Both readers of love stories and gamers will enjoy. Highly recommended.”
Library Journal

“It’s impossible to predict how, exactly, you’ll fall in love with Gabrielle Zevin’s novel Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, but it’s an eventuality you can’t escape…. Her artistic, inclusive world is filled with characters so genuine and endearing that you may start caring for them as if they were real. Above all, her development of Sam and Sadie’s relationship is pure wizardry; it’s deep and complex, transcending anything we might call a love story. Whether you care about video games or not is beside the point. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is the novel you’ve been waiting to read.”

“I’ve never played a video game in my life, and I was sucked into this book like it was Halo and I was a socially awkward tween in 2001. Really, this isn’t just a book for people who understand life through the pixels, but for people who understand life through stories.”

“[A]n evocative, heart-wrenching, passionate novel about creation and storytelling, collaboration and friendship, failure and grief, and a coming-of-age tale about two best friends…. [B]eautifully told and unforgettable.”

“[A] beautifully-written novel that explores the highs and lows of life through the eyes of two unforgettable characters.”
The Nerd Daily

“Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow examines the nature of identity, art and redemption through the intense relationship between Sam and Sadie, lapsed childhood friends who reconnect and go on to become superstar video game creators.”

“[An] enthralling and adventurous novel.”
Daily Hive

“[T]here are depths, complexities, and eccentricities that make Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow a particularly memorable and compelling kind of love story…. Gabrielle Zevin makes the youthful, online zeitgeist feel accessible. Gaming runs deep through the book, contextualising the themes of possibility and hope. But it’s the nuanced depiction of human connection over 30 years that will have you blinking back tears behind your sunglasses.”
Culture Whisper

“This is a modern love story that explores intimacy in digital storytelling when two childhood friends reunite as adults and become successful video game developers.”

“[A] memorable…. funny, unpredictable story of love and video games.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer

“Bold and shape-changing…. [A] devastating beauty…. [and] emotional wallop of a tale.”
Paste Magazine

“Zevin brilliantly explores the fragility of love and friendship, identity and disability.”
—San Francisco Bay Times

“Straddling Shakespeare and gaming together in a novel about the redemptive possibilities of friendship through tragedy seems a mix hard to keep up with, but it’s one Gabrielle Zevin has managed to present as a perfectly realistic depiction of contemporary American life…. It is the imaginary world of a game, a world Zevin describes with the addict’s ardour, which forms a universe even the sturdiest parent or antediluvian book-lover will be enticed into.”
—Big Issue

Zevin’s latest is a stunning…there is a sense of wonder in these pages as Zevin shows how important video games can be in our lives…. She pens what felt to me (as a disabled person myself) a compassionate but authentic look at the lived experience of disability. All done with the warmth of a Meg Wolitzer novel…. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow ensures us that there is good in the world and that our childhood sense of wonder is still there.”
The Free Lance-Star

“Despite having an engrossing plot, [Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow] reminds you that plot is never really the point of a great novel, and this is a great novel. Zevin has the ability to make you care about her creations within paragraphs of meeting them.”
—Financial Times

“Gabrielle Zevin’s novel Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow refreshed my love for games in a way I didn’t know I needed. The book is buoyant despite the illness and pain that speckles its characters’ lives…. This book, with its respect for craft—the craft of love and games, or loving games—will remind you of how abundant one life is, how lucky we are to keep each other in our memories forever.”

“Gabrielle Zevin has written a modern, definitive story about work, love, and friends for whom you’d do and risk everything.”
—Harper’s Bazaar

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow will sneak up on you unsuspectedly…. [It’s] a smart, engaging coming-of-age story of love, friendships, ambition, mixed race, disability, personal growth and the intricacies of the video game world.”

“I read it in a day and a half, and felt bereft afterward. How could I possibly move on to any other book? In short, it’s about friendship, love, trauma, and video games. As soon as I finished it, all I wanted to do was either immediately reread it or…play some really great video games.”
Lenika Cruz for The Atlantic

“[Gabrielle Zevin’s] focus on exploring intriguing identities, profound questions surrounding health and chance, and an idiosyncratic writing process have made her a standout voice in the contemporary literary world. [E]mbracing one’s inherent identity is especially apparent in…Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow.”
—The Harvard Crimson

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is an irresistibly fresh-faced and unpretentious novel about the glories and agonies of being young, creative, and determined to make a mark on the world.”