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Tread of Angels

Par / By Rebecca Roanhorse


[FR] Celeste, une joueuse de cartes au besoin de justice, endosse le rôle d’advocatus diaboli, pour défendre sa sœur Mariel, accusée du meurtre d’un Vertu, membre de la classe dirigeante de cette ville minière, dans un nouvel univers de dark fantasy de l’auteur à succès du New York Times de Black Sun, Rebecca Roanhorse.


[EN] Celeste, a card sharp with a need for justice, takes on the role of advocatus diaboli, to defend her sister Mariel, accused of murdering a Virtue, a member of the ruling class of this mining town, in a new world of dark fantasy from the New York Times bestselling author of Black Sun, Rebecca Roanhorse.

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Nous sommes en 1883 et la ville minière de Goetia est en plein essor. Des prospecteurs venus de près ou de loin viennent exploiter le nouvel élément puissant qu’est la Divinité dans les hautes montagnes du Colorado, avec l’aide des parias de la société connus sous le nom de Déchus. Les déchus sont les descendants des démons qui vivent parmi les vertueux, les vainqueurs d’une ancienne guerre, les descendants des deux camps ayant choisi de vivre aux côtés de la montagne d’Abaddon dans ce récit de l’Ouest mythologique écrit par Rebecca Roanhorse, auteur de best-sellers.


The year is 1883 and the mining town of Goetia is booming as prospectors from near and far come to mine the powerful new element Divinity from the high mountains of Colorado with the help of the pariahs of society known as the Fallen. The Fallen are the descendants of demonkind living amongst the Virtues, the winners in an ancient war, with the descendants of both sides choosing to live alongside Abaddon’s mountain in this tale of the mythological West from the bestselling mastermind Rebecca Roanhorse.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Rebecca Roanhorse est l’auteur à succès du New York Times de Trail of Lightning, Storm of Locusts, Black Sun et Star Wars : Resistance Reborn. Elle a remporté les prix Nebula, Hugo et Locus pour ses fictions, et a reçu le prix Astounding 2018 du meilleur nouvel écrivain. Elle vit au Nouveau-Mexique avec sa famille.


Rebecca Roanhorse is the New York Times bestselling author of Trail of LightningStorm of Locusts, Black Sun, and Star Wars: Resistance Reborn. She has won the Nebula, Hugo, and Locus Awards for her fiction, and was the recipient of the 2018 Astounding Award for Best New Writer. She lives in New Mexico with her family.


“Rebecca Roanhorse… [is one] of the Indigenous novelists reshaping North American science fiction, horror and fantasy—genres in which Native writers have long been overlooked.” —The New York Times

“Readers are in for intricate world-building, engrossing adventure and stunning backdrops.” —The Washington Post

“The pages turn themselves. A beautifully crafted setting with complex character dynamics and layers of political intrigue? Perfection. Mark your calendars, this is the next big thing.” —Kirkus, starred review

“A must read for fans of N.K. Jemisin’s epic fantasy and those who love George R. R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series but want more diverse worlds.” —Booklist

“Roanhorse introduces an epic fantasy with vivid worldbuilding and exciting prose. Readers will be attracted to the story, in which there is no real right vs. wrong. Only inevitable change will draw out the heroes of this imaginative tale.” —Library Journal, starred review


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