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Greg Weisman

Livres de l'auteur.rice / Author's book

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War of the Spark: Forsaken (Magic: The Gathering)

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Par / By Greg Weisman

Book #2 de/of Magic: the Gathering Series


[FR] Retournez dans le multivers de Magic: The Gathering alors que la chasse à Liliana Vess se poursuit au lendemain de la guerre de l’étincelle.


[EN] Return to the multiverse of Magic: The Gathering as the hunt for Liliana Vess is on in the aftermath of the War of the Spark.

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War of the Spark: Ravnica (Magic: The Gathering)

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Par / By Greg Weisman

Book #1 de/of Magic: the Gathering Series


[FR] NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Vivez la première aventure officielle dans le multivers de Magic : The Gathering depuis près de dix ans, alors que l’ultime bataille commence sur Ravnica.


[EN] NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Experience the first official adventure in Magic: The Gathering’s multiverse in nearly a decade as the ultimate battle begins on Ravnica.

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