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Battle of the Linguist Mages

Par / By Scotto Moore


[FR] Dans le Los Angeles d’aujourd’hui, une faction obscure dirigée par le gouverneur de Californie développe l’art obscur de la linguistique de combat, plantant ainsi les graines d’un futur empire totalitaire.


[EN] In modern day Los Angeles, a shadowy faction led by the Governor of California develops the arcane art of combat linguistics, planting the seeds of a future totalitarian empire.

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Dans le Los Angeles d’aujourd’hui, une faction obscure dirigée par le gouverneur de Californie développe l’art obscur de la linguistique de combat, plantant les graines d’un futur empire totalitaire.

Isobel est la reine du jeu VR Sparkle Dungeon sur le thème des raves médiévales. Ses prouesses dans le jeu font d’elle une candidate idéale pour apprendre les secrets des “power morphemes” – des unités de sens anormalement denses qui déforment la perception lorsqu’elles sont habilement prononcées.

Mais la réputation d’Isobel fait d’elle la cible d’un étrange mouvement de résistance mené par des anarchistes lanceurs de sorts, qui sont peut-être la seule chose qui empêche la cabale de faire basculer la Californie au bord d’une terrible transformation, avec quarante millions de vies en jeu.

Le temps est compté pour qu’Isobel monte en grade et choisisse son camp, car la cabale a attiré des ennemis bien plus grands et étranges que la résistance anarchiste, émergeant de dimensions sombres et vicieuses de la réalité et se dirigeant tout droit vers la planète Terre !


In modern day Los Angeles, a shadowy faction led by the Governor of California develops the arcane art of combat linguistics, planting the seeds of a future totalitarian empire.

Isobel is the Queen of the medieval rave-themed VR game Sparkle Dungeon. Her prowess in the game makes her an ideal candidate to learn the secrets of “power morphemes”—unnaturally dense units of meaning that warp perception when skilfully pronounced.

But Isobel’s reputation makes her the target of a strange resistance movement led by spellcasting anarchists, who may be the only thing stopping the cabal from toppling California over the edge of a terrible transformation, with forty million lives at stake.

Time is short for Isobel to level up and choose a side—because the cabal has attracted much bigger and weirder enemies than the anarchist resistance, emerging from dark and vicious dimensions of reality and heading straight for planet Earth!

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Auteur.rice / Author

SCOTTO MOORE est un dramaturge de Seattle dont les œuvres comprennent la comédie noire H.P. Lovecraft : Stand-up Comedian, les aventures de science-fiction Duel of the Linguist Mages et interlace [falling star], la comédie romantique Balconies centrée sur les joueurs, et la comédie musicale de science-fiction a cappella Silhouette . Il est le créateur de The Coffee Table, une série web humoristique sur un couple qui découvre que leur nouvelle table basse est un ancien artefact extraterrestre qui envoie leur maison dans le vide. Il est également à l’origine du populaire générateur de mèmes sur le thème de Lovecraft, Things That Cannot Save You (“un catalogue de vos doomes”), qui a donné naissance à sa novella, Your Favorite Band Cannot Save You (“Votre groupe préféré ne peut pas vous sauver”). Le premier roman de Moore, Battle of the Linguist Mages, a été largement salué par la critique, le New York Times le qualifiant de “tourbillon audacieux qui bouscule les genres”.


SCOTTO MOORE is a Seattle playwright, whose works include the black comedy H.P. Lovecraft: Stand-up Comedian!, the sci-fi adventures Duel of the Linguist Mages and interlace [falling star], the gamer-centric romantic comedy Balconies, and the a cappella sci-fi musical, Silhouette . He is the creator of The Coffee Table, a comedic web series about a couple that discovers their new coffee table is an ancient alien artifact that sends their house shooting through the void. He is also behind the popular Lovecraft-themed meme generator, Things That Cannot Save You (“a catalog of your dooma€, which spawned his novella, Your Favorite Band Cannot Save You . Moore’s debut novel, Battle of the Linguist Mages, was met with widespread critical acclaim, with the New York Times calling it . . . an audacious, genre-bending whirlwind.


“Throughout this sprawling, ambitious romp, Moore draws from numerous perspectives and gleefully embraces the inherent absurdity of both setting and premise… Readers are in for a rollicking trip through the fun house.” ―Publishers Weekly

“The latest from Moore (Battle of the Linguist Mages) is perfect for those who enjoy offbeat sci-fi where the weak stand up to the strong.” ―Library Journal

Praise for Battle of the Linguist Mages

“By the halfway point, it had blown my mind twice and accumulated such cavalcades of incident that I couldn’t fathom where it had left to go ― but it found places, and it went there.” ―The New York Times

“It reads like Snow Crash had a dance-off with Gideon the Ninth, in a world where language isn’t a virus from outer space, it’s a goddamn alien invasion.” ―Charles Stross

“Sparklepunk meets Snow Crash! One of those books that hits you with an amazing new idea every couple of pages, and it makes for a wild ride.” ―Django Wexler

“A frenetic romp… a whole lot of fun… Glitter-bombed popcorn fiction at its finest.” ―Kirkus STARRED REVIEW

“A roller coaster of weird in this wildly entertaining gonzo adventure… Readers will love it as much for the outlandish ideas as for the narrative complexity and sense of fun.” ―Publishers Weekly

Praise for Your Favorite Band Cannot Save You

“Scotto Moore understands a key truth about Ziggy Stardust: Rock and roll messiahs are really fucking scary.” ―Kieron Gillen

“Absolutely stunning. A fast-paced, psychedelic blur of music, tech, and things way beyond either. I picked it up, and it simply would not let me go until the final page was read.” ―Ramez Naam

“Moore writes with a playful jauntiness that buoys the growing darkness rather than undercutting it. His details about a certain subset of music nerds give the story some great texture… the ride is a fun one and the soundtrack is killer.” ―Locus


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