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Empire of Grass

Par / By Tad Williams

#2 Last King of Osten Ard


[FR] Situé dans l’univers fantastique de Williams, best-seller du New York Times, le deuxième livre de The Last King of Osten Ard revient sur les épreuves du roi Simon et de la reine Miriamele alors que des menaces pèsent sur leur royaume…


[EN] Set in Williams’ New York Times bestselling fantasy world, the second book of The Last King of Osten Ard returns to the trials of King Simon and Queen Miriamele as threats to their kingdom loom…

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Les royaumes d’Osten Ard sont en paix depuis des décennies, mais la menace d’une nouvelle guerre prend des proportions cauchemardesques.

Simon et Miriamele, mari et femme royaux, sont confrontés à des dangers de toutes parts. Leurs alliés d’Hernystir ont conclu un pacte avec la redoutable Reine des Norns pour permettre à ses armées de traverser les terres des mortels. L’ancienne et puissante nation de Nabban est au bord d’une guerre civile sanglante, et les farouches nomades des prairies de Thrithings ont commencé à se mobiliser, unis par une ferveur superstitieuse et leur haine séculaire des citadins. Mais alors que les pays et les peuples du Haut-District se chamaillent, les batailles, les effusions de sang et la magie noire menacent de mettre les civilisations en pièces. Et au-dessus de tout cela plane le mystère de la couronne de sorcière, le puzzle mortel que Simon, Miriamele et leurs alliés doivent résoudre s’ils veulent survivre.

Mais alors que les royaumes d’Osten Ard sont déchirés par la peur et la cupidité, quelques individus vont se battre pour leur propre vie et leur propre destin, sans savoir que la survie de tout dépend d’eux.


The kingdoms of Osten Ard have been at peace for decades, but now, the threat of a new war grows to nightmarish proportions.

Simon and Miriamele, royal husband and wife, face danger from every side. Their allies in Hernystir have made a pact with the dreadful Queen of the Norns to allow her armies to cross into mortal lands. The ancient, powerful nation of Nabban is on the verge of bloody civil war, and the fierce nomads of the Thrithings grasslands have begun to mobilize, united by superstitious fervor and their age-old hatred of the city-dwellers. But as the countries and peoples of the High Ward bicker among themselves, battle, bloodshed, and dark magics threaten to pull civilizations to pieces. And over it all looms the mystery of the Witchwood Crown, the deadly puzzle that Simon, Miriamele, and their allies must solve if they wish to survive.

But as the kingdoms of Osten Ard are torn apart by fear and greed, a few individuals will fight for their own lives and destinies—not yet aware that the survival of everything depends on them.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Tad Williams a occupé plus d’emplois qu’une personne saine d’esprit ne devrait l’admettre – chanter dans un groupe, vendre des chaussures, gérer une institution financière, lancer des journaux et concevoir des manuels militaires, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns. Il a également animé une émission de radio syndiquée pendant dix ans, travaillé dans la production théâtrale et télévisuelle, enseigné dans des écoles primaires et des collèges, et travaillé dans le domaine du multimédia pour une grande société informatique. Il est cofondateur d’une société de télévision interactive et écrit actuellement des bandes dessinées et des scénarios pour le cinéma et la télévision. Tad et sa famille vivent à Londres et dans la baie de San Francisco. Vous pouvez trouver Tad Williams sur tadwilliams.com.


Tad Williams has held more jobs than any sane person should admit to—singing in a band, selling shoes, managing a financial institution, throwing newspapers, and designing military manuals, to name just a few. He also hosted a syndicated radio show for ten years, worked in theater and television production, taught both grade-school and college classes, and worked in multimedia for a major computer firm. He is cofounder of an interactive television company, and is currently writing comic books and film and television scripts as well. Tad and his family live in London and the San Francisco Bay Area. You can find Tad Williams at tadwilliams.com.


Inspired me to write my own seven-book trilogy…. It’s one of my favorite fantasy series.” —George R. R. Martin, New York Times-bestselling author of A Song of Ice and Fire

“Groundbreaking…. Changed how people thought of the genre, and paved the way for so much modern fantasy. Including mine.” —Patrick Rothfuss, New York Times-bestselling author of The Name of the Wind

“Tad Williams is a master storyteller, and the Osten Ard books are his masterpiece. Williams’ return to Osten Ard is every bit as compelling, deep, and fully-rendered as the first trilogy, and he continues to write with the experience and polish of an author at the top of his game.” —Brandon Sanderson, New York Times-bestselling author of Mistborn

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn is one of the great fantasy epics of all time.”
—Christopher Paolini, New York Times bestselling author of Eragon

“Building upon the revered history of Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, Williams has outdone himself by penning a 700-plus page novel that is virtually un-put-down-able…. Williams’ grand-scale storytelling mastery is on full display here. Not just utterly readable—an instant fantasy classic.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred)

Readers who delight in losing themselves in long complex tales of epic fantasy will be in their element here, and there is the promise of much more to come in future volumes.” —Locus

“Panoramic, vigorous, often moving…. Williams adroitly weaves together the tales…heralding a suitably epic and glorious conclusion.” —Publishers Weekly

“Highly Recommended. [Williams] draws on many mythologies for the background of his fantasy epic…story spiced with political intrigue and strong appealing heroes.” —Library Journal

A grand fantasy on a scale approaching Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.” —Cincinnati Post

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