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The Witchwood Crown

Par / By Tad Williams

#1 Last King of Osten Ard


[FR] La saga de fantasy épique d’Osten Ard de Tad Williams, best-seller du New York Times, entame un nouveau cycle passionnant ! – Volume 1 de The Last King of Osten Ard.


[EN] New York Times-best selling Tad Williams’ ground-breaking epic fantasy saga of Osten Ard begins an exciting new cycle! • Volume One of The Last King of Osten Ard.

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The Dragonbone Chair, le premier volume de Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, a été publié en octobre 1988, lançant ainsi la série qui allait devenir l’une des œuvres phares de la fantasy épique moderne. De nombreux auteurs de fantasy parmi les plus vendus aujourd’hui, de Patrick Rothfuss à George R. R. Martin en passant par Christopher Paolini, attribuent à Tad l’inspiration de leurs propres séries.

Aujourd’hui, vingt-quatre ans après la conclusion de Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, Tad revient à son univers et à ses personnages bien-aimés avec The Witchwood Crown, le premier roman de la trilogie tant attendue, The Last King of Osten Ard.

Plus de trente ans se sont écoulés depuis les événements des premiers romans, et le monde est à nouveau à un tournant critique. Le royaume est menacé par des forces divisées, alors que d’anciens alliés sont perdus et que d’autres sont attirés sur des chemins plus sombres. Le plus terrifiant est peut-être que les Norns, l’ennemi elfique depuis longtemps vaincu, se réveillent à nouveau et se préparent à reconquérir les terres gouvernées par les mortels qui étaient autrefois les leurs…..


The Dragonbone Chair, the first volume of Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, was published in hardcover in October, 1988, launching the series that was to become one of the seminal works of modern epic fantasy. Many of today’s top-selling fantasy authors, from Patrick Rothfuss to George R. R. Martin to Christopher Paolini credit Tad with being the inspiration for their own series.

Now, twenty-four years after the conclusion of Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, Tad returns to his beloved universe and characters with The Witchwood Crown, the first novel in the long-awaited sequel trilogy, The Last King of Osten Ard.

More than thirty years have passed since the events of the earlier novels, and the world has reached a critical turning point once again. The realm is threatened by divisive forces, even as old allies are lost, and others are lured down darker paths. Perhaps most terrifying of all, the Norns—the long-vanquished elvish foe—are stirring once again, preparing to reclaim the mortal-ruled lands that once were theirs….

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Auteur.rice / Author

Tad Williams a occupé plus d’emplois qu’une personne saine d’esprit ne devrait l’admettre – chanter dans un groupe, vendre des chaussures, gérer une institution financière, lancer des journaux et concevoir des manuels militaires, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns. Il a également animé une émission de radio syndiquée pendant dix ans, travaillé dans la production théâtrale et télévisuelle, enseigné dans des écoles primaires et des collèges, et travaillé dans le domaine du multimédia pour une grande société informatique. Il est cofondateur d’une société de télévision interactive et écrit actuellement des bandes dessinées et des scénarios pour le cinéma et la télévision. Tad et sa famille vivent à Londres et dans la baie de San Francisco. Vous pouvez trouver Tad Williams sur tadwilliams.com.


Tad Williams has held more jobs than any sane person should admit to—singing in a band, selling shoes, managing a financial institution, throwing newspapers, and designing military manuals, to name just a few. He also hosted a syndicated radio show for ten years, worked in theater and television production, taught both grade-school and college classes, and worked in multimedia for a major computer firm. He is cofounder of an interactive television company, and is currently writing comic books and film and television scripts as well. Tad and his family live in London and the San Francisco Bay Area. You can find Tad Williams at tadwilliams.com.


Inspired me to write my own seven-book trilogy…. It’s one of my favorite fantasy series.” —George R. R. Martin, New York Times-bestselling author of A Song of Ice and Fire

“Groundbreaking…. Changed how people thought of the genre, and paved the way for so much modern fantasy. Including mine.” —Patrick Rothfuss, New York Times-bestselling author of The Name of the Wind

“Tad Williams is a master storyteller, and the Osten Ard books are his masterpiece. Williams’ return to Osten Ard is every bit as compelling, deep, and fully-rendered as the first trilogy, and he continues to write with the experience and polish of an author at the top of his game.” —Brandon Sanderson, New York Times-bestselling author of Mistborn

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn is one of the great fantasy epics of all time.”
—Christopher Paolini, New York Times bestselling author of Eragon

“Building upon the revered history of Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, Williams has outdone himself by penning a 700-plus page novel that is virtually un-put-down-able…. Williams’ grand-scale storytelling mastery is on full display here. Not just utterly readable—an instant fantasy classic.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred)

Readers who delight in losing themselves in long complex tales of epic fantasy will be in their element here, and there is the promise of much more to come in future volumes.” —Locus

“Panoramic, vigorous, often moving…. Williams adroitly weaves together the tales…heralding a suitably epic and glorious conclusion.” —Publishers Weekly

“Highly Recommended. [Williams] draws on many mythologies for the background of his fantasy epic…story spiced with political intrigue and strong appealing heroes.” —Library Journal

A grand fantasy on a scale approaching Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.” —Cincinnati Post

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