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Into the Narrowdark

Par / By Tad Williams

#3 Last King of Osten Ard


[FR] Le monde d’Osten Ard, best-seller du New York Times, revient dans le troisième roman du dernier roi d’Osten Ard, alors que des menaces pèsent sur le royaume…


[EN] The New York Times bestselling world of Osten Ard returns in the third Last King of Osten Ard novel, as threats to the kingdom loom…

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Le Haut Trône d’Erkynland vacille, sa famille royale est divisée et diminuée. La reine Miriamele a été prise dans une rébellion brutale dans le sud et on pense qu’elle est morte dans un incendie. Son petit-fils Morgan, héritier du trône, a été capturé par un des soldats d’Utuk’ku dans les ruines d’une ville abandonnée. Le mari de Miriamele, le roi Simon, est accablé par le chagrin et le désespoir, ignorant que beaucoup de ces terribles événements ont été causés par Pasevalles, un traître meurtrier au sein de la propre cour de Simon au Hayholt.

Pendant ce temps, une armée mortelle de Norns dirigée par la reine Utuk’ku, éternelle et vengeresse, a déferlé sur Erkynland et a renversé la forteresse de Naglimund, massacrant les habitants et déterrant l’ancienne tombe de Ruyan le Navigateur. Utuk’ku prévoit d’utiliser l’armure légendaire du Navigateur pour invoquer l’esprit de Hakatri, le frère du méchant Roi des Tempêtes.

Même les Sithi, les fées apparentées aux Norns, sont impuissants à arrêter le triomphe d’Utuk’ku alors que ses armées marchent simultanément sur le Hayholt et se fraient un chemin dans la vallée interdite et gardée par les ogres de Tanakirú – le Narrowdark – où un secret attend qui pourrait apporter au peuple de Simon et à leurs alliés Sithi le salut – ou la mort.


The High Throne of Erkynland is tottering, its royal family divided and diminished. Queen Miriamele has been caught up in a brutal rebellion in the south and thought to have died in a fiery attack. Her grandson Morgan, heir to the throne, has been captured by one of Utuk’ku’s soldiers in the ruins of an abandoned city. Miriamele’s husband, King Simon, is overwhelmed by grief and hopelessness, unaware that many of these terrible things have been caused by Pasevalles, a murderous traitor inside Simon’s own court at the Hayholt.

Meanwhile, a deadly army of Norns led by the ageless, vengeful Queen Utuk’ku, has swept into Erkynland and thrown down the fortress of Naglimund, slaughtering the inhabitants and digging up the ancient grave of Ruyan the Navigator. Utuk’ku plans to use the Navigator’s fabled armor to call up the spirit of Hakatri, the evil Storm King’s brother.

Even the Sithi, fairy-kin to the Norns, are helpless to stop Utuk’ku’s triumph as her armies simultaneously march on the Hayholt and force their way into the forbidden, ogre-guarded valley of Tanakirú—the Narrowdark—where a secret waits that might bring Simon’s people and their Sithi allies salvation—or doom.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Tad Williams est une superstar de la fantasy basée en Californie. Ses livres qui créent (et détruisent) le genre se sont vendus par dizaines de millions dans le monde entier. Ses œuvres comprennent les mondes d’Otherland, Shadowmarch et Osten Ard – y compris les séries Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn et The Last King of Osten Ard – ainsi que les romans indépendants Tailchaser’s Song et The War of the Flowers. Sa production considérable de fantasy épique, de science-fiction, d’urban fantasy, de bandes dessinées et autres a fortement influencé une génération d’écrivains. Tad et sa famille vivent dans les montagnes de Santa Cruz, dans une maison étrange et belle comme il se doit.


Tad Williams is a California-based fantasy superstar. His genre-creating (and genre-busting) books have sold tens of millions worldwide. His works include the worlds of Otherland, Shadowmarch, and Osten Ard—including the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, and The Last King of Osten Ard series—as well as standalone novels Tailchaser’s Song and The War of the Flowers. His considerable output of epic fantasy, science fiction, urban fantasy, comics, and more have strongly influenced a generation of writers. Tad and his family live in the Santa Cruz mountains in a suitably strange and beautiful house.


Praise for the world of Osten Ard

“Inspired me to write my own seven-book trilogy…. It’s one of my favorite fantasy series.” —George R. R. Martin, New York Times-bestselling author of A Song of Ice and Fire

Groundbreaking…. Changed how people thought of the genre, and paved the way for so much modern fantasy. Including mine.” —Patrick Rothfuss, New York Times-bestselling author of The Name of the Wind

“Tad Williams is a master storyteller, and the Osten Ard books are his masterpiece. Williams’ return to Osten Ard is every bit as compelling, deep, and fully-rendered as the first trilogy, and he continues to write with the experience and polish of an author at the top of his game.” —Brandon Sanderson, New York Times-bestselling author of Mistborn

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn is one of the great fantasy epics of all time.”
—Christopher Paolini, New York Times bestselling author of Eragon

“Building upon the revered history of Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, Williams has outdone himself by penning a 700-plus page novel that is virtually un-put-down-able…. Williams’ grand-scale storytelling mastery is on full display here. Not just utterly readable—an instant fantasy classic.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred)

“Panoramic, vigorous, often moving…. Williams adroitly weaves together the tales…heralding a suitably epic and glorious conclusion.” —Publishers Weekly

“Highly Recommended. [Williams] draws on many mythologies for the background of his fantasy epic…story spiced with political intrigue and strong appealing heroes.” —Library Journal

A grand fantasy on a scale approaching Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.” —Cincinnati Post