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The Book of Dust: The Secret Commonwealth

Par / By Philip Pullman

Book #2 de/of The Book Of Dust


[FR] Retournez dans le monde de His Dark Materials – maintenant une série originale HBO avec Dafne Keen, Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott et Lin-Manuel Miranda – dans le deuxième volume du nouveau chef-d’œuvre à succès de Philip Pullman, The Book of Dust.


[EN] Return to the world of His Dark Materials—now an HBO original series starring Dafne Keen, Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott, and Lin-Manuel Miranda—in the second volume of Philip Pullman’s new bestselling masterwork The Book of Dust.

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Les fenêtres entre les nombreux mondes ont été scellées et les grandes aventures de la jeunesse de Lyra Silvertongue sont loin derrière elle – du moins le pensait-elle. Lyra est maintenant une étudiante de vingt ans au St. Sophia’s College et l’intrigue tourbillonne à nouveau autour d’elle. Son daemon Pantalaimon est le témoin d’un meurtre brutal, et le mourant leur confie des secrets qui font écho à leur passé.

Plus Lyra est entraînée dans ces mystères, moins elle est sûre d’elle. Même les événements de son propre passé sont remis en question lorsqu’elle apprend le rôle joué par Malcolm Polstead pour l’amener au Jordan College.

Lyra et Malcolm vont maintenant voyager bien au-delà des limites d’Oxford, à travers l’Europe et au Levant, à la recherche d’une ville hantée par des démons et d’un désert dont on dit qu’il renferme la vérité de la poussière. Les dangers auxquels ils sont confrontés vont remettre en question tout ce qu’ils pensaient savoir sur le monde et sur eux-mêmes.


The windows between the many worlds have been sealed and the momentous adventures of Lyra Silvertongue’s youth are long behind her—or so she thought. Lyra is now a twenty-year-old undergraduate at St. Sophia’s College and intrigue is swirling around her once more. Her daemon Pantalaimon is witness to a brutal murder, and the dying man entrusts them with secrets that carry echoes from their past.

The more Lyra is drawn into these mysteries, the less she is sure of. Even the events of her own past come into question when she learns of Malcolm Polstead’s role in bringing her to Jordan College.

Now Lyra and Malcolm will travel far beyond the confines of Oxford, across Europe and into the Levant, searching for a city haunted by daemons, and a desert said to hold the truth of Dust. The dangers they face will challenge everything they thought they knew about the world, and about themselves.

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Auteur.rice / Author

PHILIP PULLMAN est l’un des écrivains les plus acclamés et les plus vendus à l’heure actuelle. Il est surtout connu pour la trilogie His Dark Materials : His Dark Materials trilogy: The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife et The Amber Spyglass, qui a été classée parmi les 100 meilleurs romans de tous les temps par Newsweek et parmi les plus grands romans de tous les temps par Entertainment Weekly. En 2004, il a été nommé commandeur de l’ordre de l’Empire britannique. Il vit à Oxford, en Angleterre.

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur philip-pullman.com ou suivez-le sur facebook à Philip Pullman author, et sur Twitter à @PhilipPullman.


PHILIP PULLMAN is one of the most acclaimed and best-selling writers at work today. He is best known for the His Dark Materials trilogy: The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass, which has been named one of the top 100 novels of all time by Newsweek and one of the all-time greatest novels by Entertainment Weekly. In 2004, he was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. He lives in Oxford, England.

To learn more, please visit philip-pullman.com or follow him on facebook at Philip Pullman author, and on Twitter at @PhilipPullman.


The Secret Commonwealth is a majestic return to Lyra’s next chapter with all the magic, folklore, and fantasy only Philip Pullman can provide.” –Hypable
“A big novel full of big ideas, big characters and big sorrows. . . This book feels like a response to the darkness of our time.”—NPR

Pullman’s best novel so far. A work of extraordinary depth and humanity.” —The Observer

“As always, Pullman’s writing is simple, unpretentious, beautiful, true. . . . the conclusion to the Book of Dust can’t come soon enough.” —The Washington Post
“The novel gallops forward, full of danger, delight and surprise. Pullman is a staggeringly gifted storyteller.” —New Statesman

“Engrossing.”Financial Times
“Exhilarating.”Kirkus Reviews
“Mr. Pullman’s writing is clear, clean and forceful, never striving for effect and all the more effective because of it. He’s also a man of ideas, which gives great savor to his work.” – The Wall Street Journal
Coming back to [Lyra] after all these years is such a profound pleasure that I can do nothing but sit back and watch her charge forward into the night, ready as she always was to remake the world in her own image.”—Vox

“Profound and provocative.”Bulletin

The Secret Commonwealth reasserts Pullman’s affection for the wondrous and those pieces of reality which can be seen only by those willing to see.”—Newsweek

“These books, and the intellectual debate they produce, make Lyra’s world feel more lived-in than ever before.” —Entertainment Weekly

“Not only is it worthy second installment in The Book of Dust trilogy, it continues to prove this sequence will be every bit as excellent as His Dark Materials.” —Seattle Post-Intelligencer


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