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The Endless Song

Par / By Joshua Phillip Johnson

#2 Tales of the Forever Sea


[FR] Le deuxième livre de cette série de fantasy épique environnementale plonge dans les mystères d’un monde où les navires maintenus à flot par des feux de cheminée magiques naviguent sur une mer d’herbe sans fin.


[EN] The second book in this environmental epic fantasy series delves into the mysteries of a world where ships kept afloat by magical hearthfires sail an endless grass sea.


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Après avoir mis le feu à la mer éternelle et laissé le monde de la surface derrière lui, Kindred Greyreach plonge pour trouver un plancher océanique peuplé de bandes de charognards itinérants. Parmi eux, Kindred découvre un visage familier qui s’efforce de sauver la mer de la propagation des Gris et des ravages du monde d’en haut. Mais lorsque Kindred se retrouve en désaccord avec une faction située en dessous de la Mer, elle et ses amis devront utiliser tous les pouvoirs à leur disposition, y compris leur lien avec le monde de la surface, pour éviter le désastre.

Pendant ce temps, à la surface, un garçon nommé Flitch, fils du Baron des Frontières, se retrouve pris dans une dangereuse crise politique alors que des survivants d’Arcadia et de la Ville d’Autrefois arrivent sur le Continent. Alors que des monstres venus des profondeurs de la mer commencent à faire surface près des côtes de Mainland, Flitch doit également faire face à une crise plus proche de chez lui. Alors que Flitch, sa famille et leurs alliés cherchent des solutions, la vérité qu’ils recherchent peut se cacher dans de vieilles histoires et des secrets de famille de longue date.

En haut et en bas, Flitch et Kindred doivent travailler ensemble pour se sauver, sauver leurs proches et sauver la mer éternelle elle-même.


After setting fire to the Forever Sea and leaving the surface world behind, Kindred Greyreach dives below to find a Seafloor populated by roving bands of scavengers. Among them, Kindred discovers a familiar face working to save the Sea from the continued spread of the Greys and the ravages of the world above. But when Kindred finds herself at odds with a faction below the Sea, she and her friends will have to use every power available to them—including their link to the surface world—to forestall disaster.

Meanwhile, above, a boy named Flitch, son of the Baron of the Borders, finds himself caught in a dangerous political crisis as survivors from Arcadia and the Once-City arrive on the Mainland. As monsters from the depths of the Sea begin to surface near the Mainland’s shores, Flitch must also navigate a crisis closer to home. As Flitch, his family, and their allies search for solutions, the truth they seek may lay hidden in old stories and long-held family secrets.

Above and below, Flitch and Kindred must work together to save themselves, their loved ones, and the Forever Sea itself.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Joshua Phillip Johnson vit avec sa compagne et leur enfant dans une petite maison rouge située dans ce qui était autrefois la prairie. The Endless Song, la suite de The Forever Sea, est son deuxième roman.


Joshua Phillip Johnson lives in a little red house on what used to be the prairie with his partner and their child. The Endless Song, the sequel to The Forever Sea, is his second novel.


Praise for The Endless Song

“This series finale showcases the wonder and strangeness of Johnson’s world, with descriptions both terrifying and hauntingly beautiful. Readers looking forinventive, thoughtful fantasy will find plenty to enjoy.” —Publishers Weekly

Praise for The Forever Sea

“I can rarely remember being this excited for a debut novel. This was everything I wanted it to be. Wind-swept prairie seas, pirates, magic, and found families.” —Mary Robinette Kowal, Hugo, Nebula, and Locus Award-winning author of the Lady Astronaut series

“Richly imagined and beautifully written, with a highly original and very creepy magic system—The Forever Sea is wonderful.” —R. F. Kuang, Astounding Award-winning author of The Poppy War

What an amazing world—from the ecosystem, to the ships that ply the deep grass sea, to the magic and people within!” —Fran Wilde, two-time Nebula-winning author of Riverland and Updraft

“Loved The Forever Sea. Loved it. Sheer joy.” —Joanne Harris, internationally bestselling author of Chocolat

A beautifully imagined dive into the unknown.” —G.V. Anderson, World Fantasy Award winning author of “Das Steingeschöpf”

“Beautifully lyrical and imaginative, Johnson’s debut sings a twisting tale of adventure full of diverse characters and a lush world ripe to fall in love with. With a heart that will haunt you, this ecopunk story is unlike any you’ve seen before.” —Linden A. Lewis, author of The First Sister

“In this rich and well-realized world, magic has an ecological price as well as profit, and conflicts are between equally complicated communities rather than simplistic good vs. evil. This ending of this excellent debut promises more adventures in its fragile, Miyazaki-esque world.” —Booklist (starred review)

“Johnson’s beautiful coming-of-age saga touches on subjects of conservation, water rights, morality, and relationships…. The book’s setting and plot are so original as to be a breath of fresh air to the fantasy genre.” —Library Journal (starred review)

“Lush descriptions of plant life abound… When combined with the exceptional protagonist and themes of embracing the unknown, [The Forever Sea] calls to mind Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea series. With a good balance of grit and tenderness, this entertaining story makes a nice addition to the growing hopepunk subgenre.” —Publishers Weekly


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