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The Tropic of Serpents: A Memoir by Lady Trent

Par / By Marie Brennan

#2 Lady Trent Memoirs


[FR] L’aventure palpitante de Lady Trent se poursuit dans The Tropic of Serpents de Marie Brennan…


[EN] The thrilling adventure of Lady Trent continues in Marie Brennan’s The Tropic of Serpents


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Les lecteurs attentifs des premières mémoires de Lady Trent, A Natural History of Dragons, savent déjà comment une jeune femme studieuse et déterminée, Isabella, s’est lancée sur la voie historique qui l’a conduite à devenir la première naturaliste de dragons au monde. Aujourd’hui, dans ce deuxième volume d’une remarquable franchise, Lady Trent revient sur l’étape suivante de son illustre (et parfois scandaleuse) carrière.

Trois ans après ses voyages fatidiques dans les montagnes inhospitalières de Vystrana, Mme Camherst défie sa famille et les conventions pour s’embarquer dans une expédition sur le continent déchiré par la guerre d’Eriga, où vivent des espèces draconiennes exotiques comme les serpents herbivores de la savane, les serpents arboricoles et, le plus insaisissable de tous, les légendaires cygnes des marais des tropiques.

L’expédition n’est pas facile. Accompagnée d’un vieil associé et d’une héritière en fuite, Isabella doit braver la chaleur accablante, les fièvres impitoyables, les intrigues de palais, les ragots et autres dangers afin de satisfaire sa fascination sans limite pour tout ce qui est draconien, même si elle doit s’aventurer au plus profond de la jungle interdite connue sous le nom d’Enfer vert… où son courage, son ingéniosité et sa curiosité scientifique seront mis à l’épreuve comme jamais auparavant.

The Lady Trent Memoirs
1.A Natural History of Dragons
2.The Tropic of Serpents
3.Voyage of the Basilisk
4.In the Labyrinth of Drakes
5.Within the Sanctuary of Wings


Attentive readers of Lady Trent’s earlier memoir, A Natural History of Dragons, are already familiar with how a bookish and determined young woman named Isabella first set out on the historic course that would one day lead her to becoming the world’s premier dragon naturalist. Now, in this remarkably candid second volume, Lady Trent looks back at the next stage of her illustrious (and occasionally scandalous) career.

Three years after her fateful journeys through the forbidding mountains of Vystrana, Mrs. Camherst defies family and convention to embark on an expedition to the war-torn continent of Eriga, home of such exotic draconian species as the grass-dwelling snakes of the savannah, arboreal tree snakes, and, most elusive of all, the legendary swamp-wyrms of the tropics.

The expedition is not an easy one. Accompanied by both an old associate and a runaway heiress, Isabella must brave oppressive heat, merciless fevers, palace intrigues, gossip, and other hazards in order to satisfy her boundless fascination with all things draconian, even if it means venturing deep into the forbidden jungle known as the Green Hell . . . where her courage, resourcefulness, and scientific curiosity will be tested as never before.

The Lady Trent Memoirs
1.A Natural History of Dragons
2.The Tropic of Serpents
3.Voyage of the Basilisk
4.In the Labyrinth of Drakes
5.Within the Sanctuary of Wings

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Auteur.rice / Author

Marie Brennan a l’habitude de mettre à profit ses connaissances en anthropologie, en archéologie et en folklore à des fins de fiction. Elle est l’auteur de la série Onyx Court, de la duologie Doppelganger de Warrior and Witch, de l’urban fantasy Lies and Prophecy, ainsi que de plus de trente nouvelles. Le premier livre de la série des Mémoires de Lady Trent, A Natural History of Dragons, a été nominé pour le World Fantasy Award du meilleur roman.


Marie Brennan habitually pillages her background in anthropology, archaeology, and folklore for fictional purposes. She is the author of the Onyx Court series, the Doppelganger duology of Warrior and Witch, and the urban fantasy Lies and Prophecy, as well as more than thirty short stories. The first book in the Lady Trent Memoirs series, A Natural History of Dragons, was nominated for a World Fantasy Award for Best Novel.


“A thoroughly absorbing conclusion to this refreshingly different and consistently intriguing pentalogy”—Kirkus ReviewsonWithin the Sanctuary of Wings

“This mix of scientific and fantastic creatures remains in fine form.” —Publishers Weekly, onIn the Labyrinth of Drakes

“These chronicles have the power of fabulous and historic voyages, along with a wry wit that refuses to accept the standard notions of any era—past, present, or future.”—Locus on The Memoirs of Lady Trent series

“Isabella, Lady Trent, narrates her astounding adventures from volume to volume, blending Victorian pastiche and alternate-world fantasy with a distinctly pulp sensibility…now is the time to get acquainted.”—NPR onThe Voyage of the Basilisk

“Discoveries about the connections between dragons and humans mix with bone-punk technology, and revelations crash like waves in a satisfying conclusion.” —Publisher’s WeeklyonVoyage of the Basilisk

“Smart and nuanced…Overwhelmingly fun and a perfectly delightful [summer] read.”—io9onThe Tropic of Serpents

“Uncompromisingly honest and forthright [and] narrated in Brennan’s usual crisp, vivid style…. Reader, lose no time in making Isabella’s acquaintance.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred review, onThe Tropic of Serpents

“If you’ve ever secretly wished dragons were real, this story is for you. Fans of Naomi Novik and Mary Robinette Kowal will especially enjoy this book.” —RT Book ReviewsonA Natural History of Dragons