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The White Wolf

Par / By Michael Moorcock
Préface / Foreword : Alan Moore

Troisième partie de / Part 3 of Elric Saga


[FR] Michael Moorcock, lauréat du World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award, nous offre le dernier volet de la série Elric of Melnibone, qui reprend vie grâce à de superbes illustrations.


[EN] From World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award winner Michael Moorcock comes the final installment of the Elric of Melnibone series, brought to vivid new life with stunning illustrations.

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Dans l’une des épopées fantastiques les plus connues et les plus appréciées du XXe siècle, Elric est l’empereur albinos et sombre du royaume moribond de Melnibone. Après avoir acquis un pouvoir surnaturel et dévastateur qui a terrassé son ennemi Yrkoon et détruit une ville entière, Elric est hanté par les nombreuses morts qu’il a causées et part en quête de rédemption et d’un nouvel objectif.

The White Wolf est le dernier volume de l’incroyable série de Michael Moorcock, qui a créé des archétypes de la fantasy qui ont résonné dans le genre pendant des générations. Publié à l’origine dans les années 1970, ce livre retrouve une nouvelle vie grâce à des illustrations époustouflantes réalisées par de magnifiques artistes du monde de la fantasy.


In one of the most well-known and well-loved fantasy epics of the 20th century, Elric is the brooding, albino emperor of the dying Kingdom of Melnibone. After coming into an unnatural, devastating power that felled his enemy Yrkoon and destroyed an entire city, Elric is haunted by the many deaths he caused and sets out on a quest for redemption and renewed purpose.

The White Wolf is the final volume in Michael Moorcock’s incredible series, which created fantasy archetypes that have echoed through the genre for generations. Originally published in the 1970s, this book is brought to vivid new life with stunning illustrations from magnificent artists in the fantasy field.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Michael Moorcock est l’une des figures les plus importantes et les plus influentes de la fiction spéculative et de la littérature fantastique. Récemment classé par le Times (Londres) parmi les cinquante plus grands écrivains britanniques depuis 1945, il est l’auteur de 100 livres et de plus de 150 histoires courtes dans pratiquement tous les genres. Il a reçu plusieurs prix pour l’ensemble de sa carrière, notamment le Prix Utopiales, le Grand Master de la SFWA, le Stoker et le World Fantasy, et a été intronisé au Science Fiction Hall of Fame. Il a reçu le Nebula Award, le World Fantasy Award, le John W. Campbell Award, le British Fantasy Award, le Guardian Fiction Prize et a été sélectionné pour le Whitbread Award. Il a été comparé à Balzac, Dickens, Dumas, Ian Fleming, Joyce et Robert E. Howard, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns.


Michael Moorcock is one of the most important and influential figures in speculative fiction and fantasy literature. Listed recently by The Times (London) as among the fifty greatest British writers since 1945, he is the author of 100 books and more than 150 shorter stories in practically every genre. He has been the recipient of several lifetime achievement awards, including the Prix Utopiales, the SFWA Grand Master, the Stoker, and the World Fantasy, and has been inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. He has been awarded the Nebula Award, the World Fantasy Award, the John W. Campbell Award, the British Fantasy Award, the Guardian Fiction Prize, and has been shortlisted for the Whitbread Award. He has been compared to Balzac, Dickens, Dumas, Ian Fleming, Joyce, and Robert E. Howard, to name a few.


“[Moorcock] is the greatest writer of post-Tolkien British Fantasy.” —Michael Chabon, Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalaier & Clay, and Telegraph Avenue


“Moorcock’s influence is nothing like Tolkien’s, at least on the surface, but his vision of a speculative-fiction genre that can be psychologically complex is evident in how very sophisticated some of it has become—from “True Detective” to Jeff VanderMeer, from David Mitchell to “Under the Skin.” The New Yorker


“Moorcock as the most important successor to Mervyn Peake and Wyndham Lewis… The vast, tragic symbols by which Moorcock continually illuminates the metaphysical quest of his hero are a measure of the author’s remarkable talents” —J. G. Ballard, author of Empire of the Sun, Crash, and The Drowned World


“[Moorcock] can gleefully give you all the formulae of every kind of story there ever was, because he’s tried and tested all of them … the master story-teller of our time.” —Angela Carter author of The Bloody Chamber, and Nights at the Circus


“If you are at all interested in fantastic fiction, you must read Michael Moorcock. He changed the field single-handedly: He is a giant.” —Tad Williams, bestselling author of The Dragonbone Chair trilogy

“[Elric] is far and away the coolest, grimmest, moodiest, most elegant, degenerate, drug-addicted, cursed, twisted and emotionally weird mass murderer of them all.” —NPR


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