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Shaun David Hutchinson

"“We're not words, Henry, we're people. Words are how others define us, but we can define ourselves any way we choose.” ― Shaun David Hutchinson, We Are the Ants"

Shaun David Hutchinson est l'auteur de nombreux livres pour jeunes adultes, dont The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried, The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza, At the Edge of the Universe et We Are the Ants. Il a également édité les anthologies Violent Ends et Feral Youth et écrit les mémoires Brave Face, qui relatent sa lutte contre la dépression et son coming out pendant son adolescence. Il vit à Seattle, où il aime boire du café, crier après la télévision et manger des gâteaux. Rendez-lui visite sur ShaunDavidHutchinson.com ou sur Twitter @ShaunieDarko.


Shaun David Hutchinson is the author of numerous books for young adults, including The Past and Other Things That Should Stay BuriedThe Apocalypse of Elena MendozaAt the Edge of the Universe, and We Are the Ants. He also edited the anthologies Violent Ends and Feral Youth and wrote the memoir Brave Face, which chronicles his struggles with depression and coming out during his teenage years. He lives in Seattle, where he enjoys drinking coffee, yelling at the TV, and eating cake. Visit him at ShaunDavidHutchinson.com or on Twitter @ShaunieDarko.

Copyright Photograph by Chris Piedra

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We Are the Ants

Par / By Shaun David Hutchinson

Meilleur livre YA de tous les temps (2021) / A Time Best YA Book of All Time (2021)


[FR] L’“auteur à suivre” (Kirkus Reviews) de The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley nous offre un tout nouveau roman sur un adolescent qui doit décider si le monde vaut la peine d’être sauvé ou non.


[EN] From the “author to watch” (Kirkus Reviews) of The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley comes a brand-new novel about a teenage boy who must decide whether or not the world is worth saving.

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