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Par / By Madeline Miller


[FR] Une nouvelle enchanteresse de Madeline Miller qui réimprime avec audace le mythe de Galatée et Pygmalion, disponible pour la première fois en version reliée.


[EN] An enchanting short story from Madeline Miller that boldly reimagines the myth of Galatea and Pygmalion, now in hardcover for the first time

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Dans la Grèce antique, un habile sculpteur de marbre a été béni par une déesse qui a donné à son chef-d’œuvre – la plus belle femme que la ville ait jamais vue – le don de la vie. Après l’avoir épousée, il attend de Galatea qu’elle lui plaise, qu’elle soit l’obéissance et l’humilité personnifiées. Mais elle a ses propres désirs et aspire à l’indépendance.

Une nouvelle enchanteresse de Madeline Miller qui réimagine avec audace le mythe de Galatea et Pygmalion, maintenant disponible en version reliée pour la première fois.
Dans une tentative désespérée de son mari obsessionnel de la garder sous contrôle, Galatea est enfermée sous la surveillance constante de médecins et d’infirmières. Mais avec une fille à sauver, elle est déterminée à se libérer, quel qu’en soit le prix…


In ancient Greece, a skilled marble sculptor has been blessed by a goddess who has given his masterpiece—the most beautiful woman the town has ever seen—the gift of life. After marrying her, he expects Galatea to please him, to be obedience and humility personified. But she has desires of her own and yearns for independence.

An enchanting short story from Madeline Miller that boldly reimagines the myth of Galatea and Pygmalion, now in hardcover for the first time
In a desperate bid by her obsessive husband to keep her under control, Galatea is locked away under the constant supervision of doctors and nurses. But with a daughter to rescue, she is determined to break free, whatever the cost…

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Auteur.rice / Author

Madeline Miller est l’auteur de deux romans, numéro 1 des ventes du New York Times : The Song of Achilles, qui a remporté le Orange Women’s Prize for Fictio 2012, et Circé, qui a été présélectionné pour le Women’s Prize for Fiction 2019. Ses livres ont été traduits dans plus de trente-deux langues. Miller est titulaire d’une maîtrise en lettres classiques de l’université Brown, a étudié au département de dramaturgie de la Yale School of Drama, où elle s’est concentrée sur l’adaptation de textes classiques à des formes modernes, et a enseigné le latin, le grec et Shakespeare à des lycéens pendant plus de dix ans.


Madeline Miller is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of two novels: The Song of Achilles, which won the Orange Women’s Prize for Fiction 2012, and Circe, which was short-listed for the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2019. Her books have been translated into over thirty two languages. Miller holds an MA in Classics from Brown University, studied in the Dramaturgy department at Yale School of Drama, where she focused on the adaptation of classical texts to modern forms, and taught Latin, Greek, and Shakespeare to high school students for over a decade.




“Circe,’ [is] a bold and subversive retelling of the goddess’s story that manages to be both epic and intimate in its scope, recasting the most infamous female figure from the Odyssey as a hero in her own right.” — Alexandra Alter, New York Times

“One of the most amazing qualities of this novel [is]: We know how everything here turns out – we’ve known it for thousands of years – and yet in Miller’s lush reimagining, the story feels harrowing and unexpected. The feminist light she shines on these events never distorts their original shape; it only illuminates details we hadn’t noticed before.” — Ron Charles, The Washington Post

“Miller’s spell builds slowly, but by the last page you’ll be in awe. In prose of dreamlike simplicity, she reimagines the myth of Circe.” — People

“So vivid, so layered, you could get lost in it… Whether or not you think you like Greek Mythology, this is just great storytelling. It feels cinematic.” — NPR’s Here & Now

“The story of Circe’s entanglement with Odysseus lasts far beyond the narrative of “The Odyssey,” making for compelling material to revisit. But ultimately it’s as a character that Circe stands apart….Through her elegant, psychologically acute prose, Miller gives us a rich female character who inhabits the spaces in between.” — Colleen Abel, Minneapolis Star Tribune


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