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Season of Storms

Par / By Andrzej Sapkowski
Traduit par / translated by David French

#8 The Witcher


[FR] Avant d’être le gardien de Ciri, l’enfant du destin, Geralt de Rivia était un épéiste légendaire. Rejoignez le Witcher alors qu’il entreprend une mission mortelle dans cette aventure autonome qui se déroule dans le monde fantastique épique d’Andrzej Sapkowki qui a inspiré la série Netflix et les jeux vidéo à succès.


[EN] Before he was the guardian of Ciri, the child of destiny, Geralt of Rivia was a legendary swordsman. Join the Witcher as he undertakes a deadly mission in this stand-alone adventure set in the Andrzej Sapkowki’s groundbreaking epic fantasy world that inspired the hit Netflix show and the blockbuster video games.


Effacer / Clear

Geralt de Rivia est un Witcher, l’un des rares capables de chasser les monstres qui s’attaquent à l’humanité. Il utilise des signes magiques, des potions, et la fierté de chaque Witcher : deux épées, d’acier et d’argent.

Mais un contrat a mal tourné, et Geralt se retrouve sans ses armes fétiches. Il doit les récupérer, car les sorciers complotent et les nuages s’amoncellent dans le monde entier.

La saison des tempêtes arrive. . .


Witcher collections
The Last Wish
Sword of Destiny

Witcher novels
Blood of Elves
The Time of Contempt
Baptism of Fire
The Tower of Swallows
Lady of the Lake
Season of Storms

Hussite Trilogy
The Tower of Fools
Warriors of God

Traduit du polonais original par David French


Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, one of the few capable of hunting the monsters that prey on humanity. He uses magical signs, potions, and the pride of every Witcher—two swords, steel and silver.

But a contract has gone wrong, and Geralt finds himself without his signature weapons. Now he needs them back, because sorcerers are scheming, and across the world clouds are gathering.

The season of storms is coming. . .


Witcher collections
The Last Wish
Sword of Destiny

Witcher novels
Blood of Elves
The Time of Contempt
Baptism of Fire
The Tower of Swallows
Lady of the Lake
Season of Storms

Hussite Trilogy
The Tower of Fools
Warriors of God

Translated from original Polish by David French

Poids ND
Dimensions ND

Auteur.rice / Author

Andrzej Sapkowski est l’auteur de la série Witcher et de la Trilogie hussite. Né en 1948 en Pologne, il a étudié l’économie et le commerce, mais le succès de son cycle de fantasy sur Geralt de Rivia l’a transformé en écrivain international à succès. L’histoire de Geralt a inspiré la série à succès Netflix et de multiples jeux vidéo, a été traduite en trente-sept langues et s’est vendue à des millions d’exemplaires dans le monde.


Andrzej Sapkowski is the author of the Witcher series and the Hussite Trilogy. He was born in 1948 in Poland and studied economics and business, but the success of his fantasy cycle about Geralt of Rivia turned him into an international bestselling writer. Geralt’s story has inspired the hit Netflix show and multiple video games, has been translated into thirty-seven languages, and has sold millions of copies worldwide.


“This is a series you can sink your teeth into.”—BuzzFeed News

“Delightful, intense, irreverent, and compelling….you have to read The Witcher books because they are rife with all of the elements that make you love fiction, and especially fantasy, in the first place….In a word, The Witcher delivers.”—Hypable

“One of the best and most interesting fantasy series I’ve ever read.”—Nerds of a Feather

“Like Mieville and Gaiman, [Sapkowski] takes the old and makes it new … fresh take on genre fantasy.”—Foundation

“Sapkowski has a confident and rich voice which permeates the prose and remains post-translation. I’d recommend this to any fan of heroic or dark fiction.”—SF Book Reviews

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