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The Absolute Book

Par / By Elizabeth Knox


[FR] Une fantaisie épique sur d’anciennes trahisons qui traversent les mondes, une mystérieuse boîte à parchemin qui a survécu à des siècles d’incendie, et le pouvoir éternel des histoires.


[EN] An epic fantasy about ancient treacheries that span worlds, a mysterious scroll box that has survived centuries of fire, and the undying power of stories.


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EAN: 9780735240803 ND , , , ,

Taryn Cornick pense avoir mis derrière elle la mort violente de sa sœur et sa propre complicité dans un acte de vengeance. Mais son livre à succès sur les dangers qui menacent les bibliothèques mentionne une ancienne boîte à parchemins, appelée Firestarter, qui a inexplicablement survécu à de nombreux incendies, dont celui de la propriété de ses propres grands-parents, et maintenant des puissances de ce monde et de l’au-delà sont à sa recherche.

L’inspecteur Jacob Berger se pose des questions sur le passé de Taryn et son intérêt obstiné fait qu’ils se retrouvent tous les deux dans un mystérieux pays de paix et d’abondance, emmenés par un jeune homme de l’ombre nommé Shift. Ce pays, où vit un peuple magnifique qui, il y a longtemps, a négocié un prix terrible pour son existence idyllique, est maintenant menacé par l’Enfer lui-même, et Taryn est d’un grand intérêt pour les rebelles. Mais Shift est la clé du parchemin incroyablement précieux que renferme le Firestarter et de l’issue de la guerre qui s’annonce, et il a lui-même un plan ambitieux.

Le Livre absolu est un vaste roman de voyages et de retours, de l’Angleterre contemporaine aux royaumes au-delà du nôtre, de la Nouvelle-Zélande au Purgatoire lui-même, tissant intimement les histoires de personnages vivants qui font face à une prise de conscience qui pourrait changer l’avenir de tous ces mondes.


Taryn Cornick believes she has put her sister’s violent death and her own complicity in an act of retribution behind her. But her successful book about the perils that threaten libraries mentions an ancient scroll box—called the Firestarter—that has inexplicably survived numerous fires, including one at her own grandparents’ estate, and now powers in both this world and beyond are looking for her.

DI Jacob Berger has questions about Taryn’s past and his dogged interest means they both suddenly find themselves in a mysterious land of peace and plenty, carried there by a shadowy young man named Shift. The land, home to a beautiful people who long ago bargained a terrible price for their idyllic existence, is now threatened from the precincts of Hell itself, and Taryn is of great interest to the rebels. But Shift is key to both the unimaginably precious scroll inside the Firestarter and to the outcome of the threatened war, and he has an ambitious plan of his own.

The Absolute Book is a sweeping novel of journeys and returns, from contemporary England to realms beyond ours, from New Zealand to Purgatory itself, intimately weaving together the stories of vivid characters who face a reckoning that could change the future of all of these worlds.

Poids 898 g
Dimensions 15.8 × 4.9 × 23.5 cm

Auteur.rice / Author

ELIZABETH KNOX est l’auteur de dix-sept livres, dont les romans primés The Vintner’s Luck, Dreamhunter et Dreamquake, qui ont reçu des prix de l’ALA, du CCBC, de Booklist et de la New York Public Library. Lauréate de la Fondation des arts, officier de l’Ordre du mérite de Nouvelle-Zélande et lauréate du prix du Premier ministre pour la fiction, elle vit avec son mari et son fils à Wellington, où elle donne un cours sur la construction du monde à l’université Victoria.


ELIZABETH KNOX is the author of seventeen books, including the award-winning novels The Vintner’s Luck, Dreamhunter, and Dreamquake, which received awards from the ALA, CCBC, Booklist, and New York Public Library. An Arts Foundation Laureate, an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit, and the recipient of the Prime Minister’s Award for Fiction, she lives with her husband and son in Wellington, where she teaches a course on World Building at Victoria University.

Praise / revue de presse

One of The New York Times’ “Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Books of 2021”
One of
LitHub’s “Most Anticipated Books of 2021”

Praise for The Absolute Book:

The Absolute Book contains multitudes. . . . Reading the book is like holding folds of shot silk to the light, finding green flash in something that looks purple, and appreciating how thoughtfully the warp and weft embrace each other. . . . I’m in awe of it, ultimately, its precision and care, and its wry, understated humor.”
The New York Times Book Review

“This epic fantasy from Elizabeth Knox has something for everyone—the search for a mysterious book, talking ravens, police detectives and academics, gods and demons, a giant saltwater crocodile, the bucolic English countryside and magical gates to hidden worlds. Intricately plotted and gorgeously written, The Absolute Book is a cinematic tale that is by turns dark and dreamlike, yet ultimately hopeful.”
—Deborah Harkness, author of A Discovery of Witches 

An instant classic, a work to rank alongside other modern masterpieces of fantasy such as Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials series or Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. . . . [It] is everything fantasy should be: original, magical, well read. . . . The daring complexity of [Knox’s] art confirms that reading is itself an act of the imagination worth investing in.”
The Guardian (UK)

“Majestic, brain-bending . . . Each time I thought the book was done surprising me, Knox . . . opened another gate and flung me through it. . . . The Absolute Book reminded me of how I felt reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell or The Left Hand of Darkness. . . . I felt that my position in relation to the book’s capacious intellect and imagination and moral purpose was a vertiginous one. It was thrilling and frightening.”
—Dan Kois, Slate

“Exuberant and generous and original.”

“[A] sprawling and engrossing epic . . .  The story expands like inverse nesting dolls, beginning as a slow-burn thriller and gradually revealing itself as epic fantasy, even as it retains its core of real-world suspense. . . . A master class in blending genres.”
Publishers Weekly

“An angelic book, an apocalyptic book, an astounding book.”
—Francis Spufford, author of Golden Hill

“Full of intrigue, mystery, magic, and history, this is a fascinating read that is hard to put down.”

“Knox’s restrained, poetic writing works well with this mind-blowing optical illusion of a novel. . . . Enigmatic, never dull, this grand ode to Story itself is one that begs for a reread.”
Booklist, starred review

“Gorgeous . . . The payoffs and reveals are mind-blowing.”
—Laini Taylor, author of Daughter of Smoke and Bone

“An astonishing novel from an author I have long loved, The Absolute Book catches the reader up on the very first page and carries them away in an exhilarating rush.”
—Kelly Link, author of Get In Trouble

“The power is in the skill and pace of Knox’s storytelling, the perfect spinning of the intricate plot, the sharp dialogue and luminous evocation of place.”
—Charlotte Grimshaw, author of The Bad Seed

“The master is present. To read Knox on such a huge canvas—to be immersed in her worlds, wrapped in her intelligence and craft so completely—is an experience not be missed. . . . [B]ooks where the best hearts meet the best minds meet the best imaginations are few and far between. The Absolute Book is a triumph of fantasy grounded in the reality and challenges of the moment we live in.”
—Pip Adam, author of Nothing to See

“This darkly luminous fantasy reads like a mystery, thoroughly and wonderfully transporting readers to another world.”
—Kirkus Reviews

“Elizabeth Knox has the most original and lateral literary mind in New Zealand.”

“Knox is a writer with a gift for describing the colour of the present moment. . . . She lets her language breathe, lets it speak in revelations rather than explanations.”
Times Literary Supplement

The Absolute Book is a beautiful, fantastic ride that travels from one end of the earth to the other and beyond . . . a journey that will amaze and astound you and leave you asking for more. . . . Fantastic and wondrous [The Absolute Book] is a delight and will leave readers wistful for a world as magical as the one [Knox has] created.”

“Outstanding . . . Absolutely outstanding.”
Good Reading (Australia)

“Explosive and surprising . . . quite brilliant.”
The Spinoff (NZ)

The Absolute Book is big, ambitious and brassily inventive.”
―The Spectator Australia

“At once sad and enticing.”
—The Wall Street Journal

“An enchanting weaving together of mythologies and a meeting of worlds, all bound up with the power of stories and the fate of the ultimate book. Far-reaching and profound, this is a novel to lose yourself in.”
―Alison Littlewood, Bestselling author of A Cold Season and The Hidden People


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