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Vampire Weekend

Par / By Mike Chen


[FR] Être un vampire est loin d’être glamour… mais cela peut être assez punk rock.


[EN] Being a vampire is far from glamorous…but it can be pretty punk rock.






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Tout ce que vous avez entendu sur les vampires est un mensonge. Ils ne peuvent pas voler. Les meurtres ne sont pas autorisés (la communauté déteste cela). Et se transformer en chauve-souris ? C’est complètement ridicule. En fait, la vie de vampire se résume à des poches de sang et à des emplois de nuit. Pour Louise Chao, c’est aussi la solitude, puisqu’elle a renoncé à sa famille depuis longtemps.

Au moins, elle a assisté à des décennies de concerts de punk rock. Et si elle parvient à rejoindre son propre groupe (tout en gardant sa… situation secrète), peut-être se sentira-t-elle enfin à sa place.

C’est alors qu’un parent adolescent, perdu de vue depuis longtemps, se présente à sa porte. Qu’il s’agisse de l’amour de Ian pour la musique ou de sa mauvaise attitude, pour la première fois depuis longtemps, Louise se sent proche de lui.

Mais lorsque Ian découvre la véritable identité de Louise, les choses deviennent dangereuses, surtout lorsqu’il lui demande une ultime faveur. Une faveur qui va au-delà de la famille… une faveur qui pourrait bien changer à jamais tout ce que les vampires savent de la vie et de la mort.


Everything you’ve heard about vampires is a lie. They can’t fly. No murders allowed (the community hates that). And turning into a bat? Completely ridiculous. In fact, vampire life is really just a lot of blood bags and night jobs. For Louise Chao, it’s also lonely, since she swore off family ages ago.

At least she’s gone to decades of punk rock shows. And if she can join a band of her own (while keeping her…situation under wraps), maybe she’ll finally feel like she belongs, too.

Then a long-lost teenage relative shows up at her door. Whether it’s Ian’s love of music or his bad attitude, for the first time in ages, Louise feels a connection.

But as Ian uncovers Louise’s true identity, things get dangerous—especially when he asks her for the ultimate favor. One that goes beyond just family…one that might just change everything vampires know about life and death forever.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Mike Chen est un écrivain de toujours, depuis la création de fanfictions dans son enfance jusqu’à l’obtention d’une rémunération pour ses mots à l’âge adulte. Il a contribué à d’importants sites web geeks (The Mary Sue, The Portalist, Tor) et a couvert la NHL pour des médias grand public. Membre de la SFWA et de Codex Writers, Mike vit dans la Bay Area, où on peut le trouver en train de jouer à des jeux vidéo et de regarder Doctor Who avec sa femme, sa fille et ses animaux de sauvetage. Suivez-le sur Twitter et Instagram : @mikechenwriter


Mike Chen is a lifelong writer, from crafting fan fiction as a child to somehow getting paid for words as an adult. He has contributed to major geek websites (The Mary Sue, The Portalist, Tor) and covered the NHL for mainstream media outlets. A member of SFWA and Codex Writers, Mike lives in the Bay Area, where he can be found playing video games and watching Doctor Who with his wife, daughter, and rescue animals. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram: @mikechenwriter


“A love letter to the power of music, this thoughtful, humorous exploration of what constitutes living versus mere survival sees Chen (Light Years from Home) at the top of his game.” —Publishers Weekly starred review

“A propulsive, poignant ode to vampire mythos, human connection, and the enduring power of punk rock.” —Sarah Kuhn, author of Heroine Complex

“Mike Chen is at his best here, with a sharp-as-fangs reinvention of the vampire mythos centered on the power of family, born and chosen, and, of course, punk rock. This book will sink its teeth right into your heart.” —Gwenda Bond, New York Times bestselling author

“Never getting old sucks! Mike Chen’s Vampire Weekend is a kicky homage to punk rock and a delightful exploration of what it means to be ‘other,’ teaching us that while vampire blood helps, true healing comes from family and forgiveness.” —Sierra Godfrey, author of A Very Typical Family

“Fresh, intelligent, and darkly funny, Vampire Weekend is my favorite vampire novel since Interview With The Vampire.” —Stina Leicht, author of Persephone Station

Vampire Weekend rocks. It’s a fanged love song to punk, guitars, and vampires, and it shines with hope and humor. I loved every beat.” —New York Times Bestselling Author Chloe Neill

Vampire Weekend finally gives us the painfully relatable vampires we’ve always needed: awkward, cringey, their clothes never quite in style. But with that comes a story of genuine kindness and the gentle wonder of understanding and friendship found in the least likely place imaginable—in your own family, vampire or not.” —Natalie Zina Walschots, author of Hench

“A strong emotional core carries Chen’s (Light Years from Home, 2022) latest, which is ultimately about healing from old wounds and learning how to embrace life again after loss—even if you’re dead.” —Booklist

“The narrative shifts through time to tell a story of family and battling loneliness with music for an altogether unique tale.” —Book Riot

“It’s funny, it’s suspenseful, it’s sometimes heartbreaking but always thrilling. The story will never go where you expect it to go, and that’s just one of many reasons you won’t be able to put it down once it’s open in your hands.” —Culturess

“Anyone looking for a cute, family story that happens to star someone who lives off blood will be fully satiated.” —Tor.com

“An ode to a love for vampires, music, and family.” —Library Journal


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