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Par / By Marissa Meyer

#2 Renegades


[FR] La trilogie Renegades se poursuit, dans ce deuxième volet très attendu après le best-seller du New York Times, Renegades, de Marissa Meyer, auteur de Lunar Chronicles.


[EN] The Renegades Trilogy continues, in this fiercely awaited second installment after the New York Times-bestselling Renegades by Marissa Meyer, author of the Lunar Chronicles.

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Le temps presse.
Ensemble, ils peuvent sauver le monde.
Mais ils sont chacun le pire cauchemar de l’autre.

La double vie de Nova est sur le point de devenir beaucoup plus compliquée :

En tant qu’Insomnia, elle est un membre à part entière des Renégats, un syndicat de super-héros puissants et appréciés. Elle travaille avec l’unité de patrouille d’Adrian pour protéger les faibles et maintenir l’ordre à Gatlon City.

En tant que Nightmare, elle est une Anarchiste – un groupe de méchants qui sont déterminés à détruire les Renégats. Nova veut se venger des soi-disant héros qui l’ont abandonnée au moment où elle en avait le plus besoin.

Mais en tant que Nova, ses sentiments pour Adrian s’intensifient, malgré le fait qu’il soit le fils de ses ennemis jurés et que, à son insu, il ait lui-même de dangereux secrets.

Dans ce deuxième volet de la trilogie des Renégats, Nova, Adrian et le reste de leur équipe – Ruby, Oscar et Danna – sont confrontés à l’escalade de la criminalité à Gatlon City, tandis que des armes secrètes et des missions contradictoires amènent Nova et Adrian à remettre en question non seulement leurs convictions en matière de justice, mais aussi les sentiments qu’ils éprouvent l’un pour l’autre.

La frontière entre le bien et le mal est devenue floue, mais ce qui est clair pour eux, c’est que trop de pouvoir pourrait signifier la fin de leur ville – et du monde – tel qu’ils le connaissent.


Time is running out.
Together, they can save the world.
But they each other’s worst nightmare.

Nova’s double life is about to get a lot more complicated:

As Insomnia, she is a full-fledged member of the Renegades, a syndicate of powerful and beloved superheroes. She works with Adrian’s patrol unit to protect the weak and maintain order in Gatlon City.

As Nightmare, she is an Anarchist – a group of of villains who are determined to destroy the Renegades. Nova wants vengeance against the so-called heroes who once failed her when she needed them most.

But as Nova, her feelings for Adrian are deepening, despite the fact that he is the son of her sworn enemies and, unbeknownst to Nova, he has some dangerous secrets of his own.

In this second installment of the Renegades trilogy, Nova, Adrian, and the rest of their crew – Ruby, Oscar, and Danna — are faced with escalating crime in Gatlon City, while covert weapons and conflicting missions have Nova and Adrian questioning not only their beliefs about justice, but also the feelings they have for each other.

The line between good and evil has been blurred, but what’s clear to them both is that too much power could mean the end of their city – and the world – as they know it.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Marissa Meyer est l’auteur de la série Lunar Chronicles, best-seller du New York Times : Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Winter, Fairest et Stars Above, ainsi que le best-seller n°1 du New York Times Heartless. Renegades, le premier livre de la trilogie Renegades, a également été un best-seller du New York Times.


Marissa Meyer is the author of the #1 New York Times-bestselling Lunar Chronicles series: Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Winter, Fairest, and Stars Above, as well as the #1 New York Times bestseller Heartless. Renegades, the first book in the Renegades Trilogy, was also a New York Timesbestseller.


A New York Times Bestseller!

“Meyer is fantastic with superpowers, and the best moments in the book involve ingenious or breathtaking displays of ability, as well as entertaining hints of a centuries-long prodigy history. … the page-turner conclusion will leave readers eager for the final installment.”--Publishers Weekly

“Adrian and Nova, two teen superheroes, have a lot in common: a problematic hidden identity, a secret plan to avenge a family member’s death, and a growing attraction to each other that is impossible to indulge simply because of who they are. …This enticing mix of superhero adventures and budding love story also tackles hefty ethical issues, and Meyer masterfully manipulates plot and characters to send readers racing for the last page and regret reaching it, especially when they’re met by its suspenseful cliff-hanger.–Booklist

Praise for RENEGADES, Book One of the Renegades Trilogy


A Winter 2017-2018 Kids’ Indie Next List Selection

“In a vividly dark and fully imagined universe where special abilities are feared unless they can be strictly controlled and labeled, Meyer celebrates and subverts popular superhero tropes while mining the gray area between malevolence and virtue. Third-person narration builds suspense as it shifts between Nova and Adrian, a Renegade with his own secrets; the worldbuilding details and many combat sequences will captivate devotees of superhero comics. Beyond the capes and masks is a strikingly grounded story of star-crossed would-be lovers, deception, and the recognition that most of humanity exists between the extremes of good and evil.”–Publishers Weekly, starred review

“Tackles a familiar genre in a brand new way.”–Hypable.com

A fully realized new world with compelling characters and just enough edge-of-your-seat action to rival the biggest on-screen adaptation?.”–Bustle

“Exciting…perfect for your Fall #TBR list.“–PopSugar.com

“Even reluctant fans of hero fantasies will fall for the smart plot and wonderful world-building. Prepare to fangirl.”–Justine Magazine

“Meyer delivers a balance between intricate world-building and fast-paced action sequences. Nova’s childhood tragedy will draw sympathy from readers as they watch her integrate into the group of Renegades in order to seek vengeance. Back-stabbing, plot twists, and hidden agendas will have readers turning pages in an attempt to discover the truth.”–School Library Journal

“Meyer smartly refrains from focusing totally on Adrian and Nova’s potential romance and instead fleshes the characters out as separate individuals with flaws and strengths, regrets and desires. …The world is exceptionally well crafted, particularly the complex backstory of the rise of prodigies among humans, and the secondary cast of villains and heroes could give Marvel and DC a run for their money. There’s a lot going on here besides cool names and superpowers, and the book earns both its hefty page count and its expected sequel.”–Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books, Recommended


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