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Le voyage sur les mers du prince Takaoka

Par / By Tatsuhiko Shibusawa
Traduit/translated par/by Patrick Honnoré


[FR] Japon, IXe siècle. Fils d’empereur écarté de la succession, le prince Takaoka se fait bonze et entreprend, à la fin de sa fin, un voyage vers la Chine puis vers l’Inde où il n’arrivera jamais, dévoré par un tigre en Malaisie. Sur cette trame historique, ce roman imagine un périple émaillé de phénomènes fantastiques, d’animaux mythiques et de fleurs monstrueuses, questionnant la réalité.


[EN] Japan, 9th century. The son of an emperor who was excluded from the succession, Prince Takaoka became a monk and undertook, at the end of his life, a journey to China and then to India where he never arrived, devoured by a tiger in Malaysia. On this historical framework, this novel imagines a journey enamelled with fantastic phenomena, mythical animals and monstrous flowers, questioning the reality.

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The son of an emperor who was rejected from the imperial succession, Prince Takaoka (a historical figure from the 9th century) became a monk and, towards the end of his life, undertook a journey to China, then to India, where he never arrived. He is said to have died in the Malay Peninsula, devoured by a tiger. It is on this historical framework that Tatsuhiko Shibusawa imagines a journey enamelled with fantastic phenomena, mythical animals and monstrous flowers, in the form of a questioning of reality: if the world is only an illusion, then there is more wisdom in leading one’s life on the fictions of one’s dreams than in refusing them as vanities. It remains to know how to “see” one’s dreams.

This is the whole point of this fascinating novel, halfway between Calvino and Tolkien, the Journey to the West and Dragon Ball.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Figure incontournable de kt littérature japonaise, le romancier Tatrubiko Shibusawa (1928-1987) fut aussi traducteur (de Sade, Bataille, Mandiargues, Cocteau…), critique d’an, spécialiste de démonologie médiévale et auteur d’essais consacrés à la magie noire, ou encore à l’érotisme. Le Voyage sur les mers du prince Takaoka et le première de ses oeuvres à paraître en français.


A key figure in Japanese literature, the novelist Tatrubiko Shibusawa (1928-1987) was also a translator (of Sade, Bataille, Mandiargues, Cocteau …), a critic of an, a specialist in medieval demonology and the author of essays on black magic, or eroticism. Le Voyage sur les mers du prince Takaoka is the first of his works to be published in French.


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