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Lords of Uncreation (The Final Architecture #3)

Par / By Adrian Tchaikovsky

#3 The Final Architecture


[FR] La conclusion passionnante de la trilogie Final Architecture, après Shards of Earth et Eyes of the Void.


[EN] The gripping conclusion to the Final Architecture Trilogy, following Shards of Earth and Eyes of the Void.


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L’auteur de Children of Time, récompensé par Arthur C. Clarke, nous offre le troisième et dernier roman d’une extraordinaire trilogie de space opera sur l’humanité au bord de l’extinction, et sur la façon dont la découverte d’un homme nous sauvera ou nous détruira tous.


The Arthur C. Clarke award-winning author of Children of Time brings us the third and final novel in an extraordinary space opera trilogy about humanity on the brink of extinction, and how one man’s discovery will save or destroy us all.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Adrian Tchaikovsky est l’auteur des séries acclamées par la critique : Shadows of the Apt, Echoes of the Fall et The Final Architecture. En 2017, le premier livre de la série Echoes of the Fall, The Tiger and the Wolf, a remporté le prestigieux British Fantasy Award du meilleur roman. Il a également écrit plusieurs romans autonomes, dont Children of Time, lauréat du prix Arthur C. Clarke du meilleur roman de science-fiction à l’occasion du 30e anniversaire, Children of Ruin et The Doors of Eden. Adrian vit à Leeds avec sa femme et son fils.


Adrian Tchaikovsky is the author of the critically acclaimed series’ Shadows of the Apt, Echoes of the Fall, and The Final Architecture. In 2017, the first book in the Echoes of the Fall series, The Tiger and the Wolf, won the prestigious British Fantasy Award for Best Novel. He has also written several standalone novels, including Children of Time, winner of the 30th Anniversary Arthur C. Clarke Award for Best Science Fiction Novel, Children of Ruin, and The Doors of Eden. Adrian lives in Leeds, with his wife and son.


“Enthralling, epic, immersive and hugely intelligent.”
Stephen Baxter on Shards of Earth

“He writes incredibly enjoyable sci-fi, full of life and ideas.”
Patrick Ness

“Brilliant science fiction.”
James McAvoy on Children of Time

“One of the most interesting and accomplished writers in speculative fiction.”
Christopher Paolini


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