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Steles of the Sky

Par / By Elizabeth Bear

#3 Eternal Sky


[FR] Elizabeth Bear conclut sa trilogie de fantasy épique primée, The Eternal Sky, avec Steles of the Sky.


[EN] Elizabeth Bear concludes her award-winning epic fantasy trilogy, The Eternal Sky, with Steles of the Sky.



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Re Temur, héritier exilé du Khaganat de son grand-père, a finalement levé sa bannière et s’est déclaré en guerre contre son oncle usurpateur. Avec ses compagnons – le magicien Samarkar, le Cho-tse Hrahima et le moine silencieux Frère Hsiung – il doit se rendre au Lac du Dragon pour rassembler son armée de partisans.

Temur a de nombreux ennemis, et ils ne sont pas inactifs. Le sorcier qui dirige les Assassins sans nom, dont la malice a brisé la paix de tous les empires de la route de Celedon, a déjà frappé l’oncle de Temur. Au sud, dans l’empire Rasan, un fléau magique fait rage. À l’est, la grande ville d’Asmaracanda a brûlé, et le calife Uthman est déposé. Et dans l’ancien empire caché d’Erem, le fils de Temur est né, et une nouvelle lune s’est levée dans le ciel éternel.

The Eternal Sky Trilogy
#1 Range of Ghosts
#2 Shattered Pillars
#3 Steles of the Sky


Re Temur, exiled heir to his grandfather’s Khaganate, has finally raised his banner and declared himself at war with his usurping uncle. With his companions—the Wizard Samarkar, the Cho-tse Hrahima, and the silent monk Brother Hsiung—he must make his way to Dragon Lake to gather in his army of followers.

Temur has many enemies, and they are not idle. The sorcerer who leads the Nameless Assassins, whose malice has shattered the peace of all the empires of the Celedon Highway, has struck at Temur’s uncle already. To the south, in the Rasan empire, a magical plague rages. To the east, the great city of Asmaracanda has burned, and the Uthman Caliph is deposed. And in the hidden ancient empire of Erem, Temur’s son has been born, and a new moon has risen in the Eternal Sky.

The Eternal Sky Trilogy
#1 Range of Ghosts
#2 Shattered Pillars
#3 Steles of the Sky

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Auteur.rice / Author

ELIZABETH BEAR est née le même jour que Frodon et Bilbo Baggins, mais dans une année différente. Elle a reçu le prix John W. Campbell du meilleur nouvel écrivain en 2005. Elle a remporté deux prix Hugo pour ses nouvelles, et sa trilogie Hammered a été récompensée par un Locus Award.


ELIZABETH BEAR was born on the same day as Frodo and Bilbo Baggins, but in a different year. She was the recipient of the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in 2005. She has won two Hugo Awards for her short fiction, and her Hammered trilogy is a Locus Award winner.


Book Riot‘s List of 50 Best Epic Fantasy Series, Eternal Sky trilogy

“This lean, sinewy, visceral narrative, set forth in extraordinarily vivid prose full of telling detail, conveys a remarkable sense of time and place, where the characters belong to the landscape and whose personalities derive naturally from it.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred review

“Elizabeth Bear launches a trilogy in a fantastic new world with this compelling tale…Bear creates a vivid world where wizards must sacrifice their ability to procreate in order to control magic and the sky changes to reflect the gods of the land’s rulers. The strong setting and engaging characters will have readers eager for the second installment.” —Publishers Weekly

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