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Shattered Pillars

Par / By Elizabeth Bear

#2 Eternal Sky


[FR] Elizabeth Bear est un écrivain étonnant, dont la prose vous entraîne dans des mondes étranges et merveilleux, et vous pousse à vous intéresser de près aux personnes et aux histoires qu’elle raconte. Le monde de The Eternal Sky est largement et profondément créé.


[EN] Elizabeth Bear is an astonishing writer, whose prose draws you into strange and wonderful worlds, and makes you care deeply about the people and the stories she tells. The world of The Eternal Sky is broadly and deeply created.


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EAN: N/A ND , , , ,

Shattered Pillars est le deuxième livre de la trilogie The Eternal Sky de Bear et la suite de Range of Ghosts. Située dans un monde inspiré de nos grandes steppes asiatiques, cette saga de magie, de politique et de guerre oppose Re-Temur, l’héritier exilé du grand Khagan, et son ami Sarmarkar, un sorcier de Tsarepheth, à des forces obscures déterminées à conquérir tous les grands empires situés le long de la route de Celedon.

Elizabeth Bear est un écrivain étonnant, dont la prose vous entraîne dans des mondes étranges et merveilleux, et vous fait vous intéresser profondément aux personnes et aux histoires qu’elle raconte. Le monde de The Eternal Sky est largement et profondément créé.

The Eternal Sky Trilogy
#1 Range of Ghosts
#2 Shattered Pillars
#3 Steles of the Sky


Shattered Pillars is the second book of Bear’s The Eternal Sky trilogy and the sequel to Range of Ghosts. Set in a world drawn from our own great Asian Steppes, this saga of magic, politics, and war sets Re-Temur, the exiled heir to the great Khagan and his friend Sarmarkar, a Wizard of Tsarepheth, against dark forces determined to conquer all the great Empires along the Celedon Road.

Elizabeth Bear is an astonishing writer, whose prose draws you into strange and wonderful worlds, and makes you care deeply about the people and the stories she tells. The world of The Eternal Sky is broadly and deeply created.

The Eternal Sky Trilogy
#1 Range of Ghosts
#2 Shattered Pillars
#3 Steles of the Sky

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Auteur.rice / Author

ELIZABETH BEAR a reçu le prix John W. Campbell du meilleur nouvel écrivain en 2005. Elle a remporté deux prix Hugo pour ses nouvelles, un prix Sturgeon et le prix Locus du meilleur premier roman. Elle est l’auteur de la série à succès Eternal Sky. Bear vit à Brookfield, dans le Massachusetts.


ELIZABETH BEAR was the recipient of the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in 2005. She has won two Hugo Awards for her short fiction, a Sturgeon Award, and the Locus Award for Best First Novel. She is the author of the acclaimed Eternal Sky series. Bear lives in Brookfield, Massachusetts.


Book Riot‘s List of 50 Best Epic Fantasy Series, Eternal Sky trilogy

“Fans of George R.R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series should welcome this gracefully told tale of war, political intrigue, and personal drama. Highly recommended.” —Library Journal on Range of Ghosts

“The world of The Eternal Sky is a gorgeously fleshed-out one, and the characters without exception fascinating, sometimes maddening, and complex. This is a pleasing conclusion to an epic; it ties up the major threads but leaves many open questions about how the world will move forward.” —Booklist on Steles of the Sky

“This lean, sinewy, visceral narrative, set forth in extraordinarily vivid prose full of telling detail, conveys a remarkable sense of time and place, where the characters belong to the landscape and whose personalities derive naturally from it…. Bear provides this opener with enough of a resolution to satisfy while whetting the appetite for more. Gripping, perfectly balanced and highly recommended.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred review, on Range of Ghosts

“Bear’s trilogy makes a rich contribution to epic fantasy’s expanding borders of emotion and invention.” —Publishers Weekly, starred review, on Steles of the Sky

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