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The City We Became: A Novel

The Great Cities, book 1

Par / By N. K. Jemisin


[FR] Toutes les grandes villes ont une âme. Certaines sont aussi anciennes que des mythes, d’autres sont aussi nouvelles et destructrices que des enfants. New York ? Elle en a six.


[EN] Every great city has a soul. Some are ancient as myths, and others are as new and destructive as children. New York? She’s got six.

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À Manhattan, un jeune étudiant diplômé descend du train et se rend compte qu’il ne se souvient pas de qui il est, d’où il vient, ni même de son propre nom. Mais il peut sentir le cœur battant de la ville, voir son histoire et ressentir sa puissance.

Dans le Bronx, la directrice d’une galerie Lenape découvre d’étranges graffitis disséminés dans la ville, si beaux et si puissants que c’est comme si la peinture l’appelait littéralement.

À Brooklyn, une politicienne et mère de famille découvre qu’elle peut entendre les chants de sa ville, vibrant au rythme de ses talons Louboutin.

Et ils ne sont pas les seuls.

Toutes les grandes villes ont une âme. Certaines sont aussi anciennes que des mythes, d’autres sont aussi nouvelles et destructrices que des enfants. New York ? Elle en a six.


In Manhattan, a young grad student gets off the train and realizes he doesn’t remember who he is, where he’s from, or even his own name. But he can sense the beating heart of the city, see its history, and feel its power.

In the Bronx, a Lenape gallery director discovers strange graffiti scattered throughout the city, so beautiful and powerful it’s as if the paint is literally calling to her.

In Brooklyn, a politician and mother finds she can hear the songs of her city, pulsing to the beat of her Louboutin heels.

And they’re not the only ones.

Every great city has a soul. Some are ancient as myths, and others are as new and destructive as children. New York? She’s got six.

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Auteur.rice / Author

N. K. Jemisin est le premier auteur de l’histoire à avoir remporté trois prix Hugo consécutifs pour le meilleur roman, tous pour sa trilogie Broken Earth. Son œuvre a également été récompensée par les prix Nebula, Locus et Goodreads Choice. Elle a été critique pour le New York TimesBook Review et formatrice pour les ateliers d’écriture Clarion et Clarion West. Pendant son temps libre, elle est joueuse et jardinière, et elle est également responsable à elle seule de sauver le monde du roi Ozzymandias, de son chat roux dangereusement intelligent et de son acolyte Magpie, phénoménalement destructeur.


N. K. Jemisin is the first author in history to win three consecutive Best Novel Hugo Awards, all for her Broken Earth trilogy. Her work has also won the Nebula, Locus, and Goodreads Choice Awards. She has been a reviewer for the New York TimesBook Review, and an instructor for the Clarion and Clarion West writing workshops. In her spare time, she is a gamer and gardener, and she is also single-handedly responsible for saving the world from King Ozzymandias, her dangerously intelligent ginger cat, and his phenomenally destructive sidekick Magpie.

Praise / revue de presse

“It’s a glorious fantasy, set in that most imaginary of cities, New York. It’s inclusive in all the best ways, and manages to contain both Borges and Lovecraft in its fabric, but the unique voice and viewpoint are Jemisin’s alone.”―Neil Gaiman

“The City We Became takes a broad-shouldered stand on the side of sanctuary, family and love. It’s a joyful shout, a reclamation and a call to arms.”―The New York Times

“Jemisin is now a pillar of speculative fiction, breathtakingly imaginative and narratively bold.”―Entertainment Weekly

“A love letter, a celebration and an expression of hope and belief that a city and its people can and will stand up to darkness, will stand up to fear, and will, when called to, stand up for each other.”


“The City We Became is a raucous delight, a joyride, a call-to-arms, a revolution with plenty of dancing. Eat your heart out, Lovecraft.”―Alix E. Harrow, author of The Ten Thousand Doors of January

“Some of the most exciting and powerful fantasy writing of today… Jemisin’s latest will attract … even those who don’t typically read genre fiction.”―Booklist (starred review)

“The most important speculative writer of her generation…She’s that good.”―John Scalzi

“A love/hate song to and rallying cry for the author’s home of New York… Fierce, poetic, uncompromising.”―Kirkus (starred review)

“The City We Became is a wonderfully inventive love letter to New York City that spans the multiverse. A big middle finger to Lovercraft with a lot of heart, creativity, smarts and humor. A timely and audacious allegorical tale for our times. This book is all these things and more.”―Rebecca Roanhorse, author of Trail of Lightning

“N. K. Jemisin has captured the living, breathing soul of New York City in a way that only a writer of her skill can. The City We Became is a masterpiece that plays by no rules-beautiful, musical, joyfully weird, and as impossibly fantastical as it is deeply true.”―Peng Shepherd, author of The Book of M

“Without a doubt, one of the most brilliant books I have ever had the honor of reading. An homage to New York City, packed with all its love and harshness, and so incredibly inventive that I felt my own imagination and the boundaries of what fantasy can be expand.”―S. A. Chakraborty, author of City of Brass

“The greatest fantasy novelist currently writing turns her magnificent eye and ear and heart on New York City, and the result is every bit as full of love and rage and crazy compelling characters as my beloved city deserves.”―Sam J. Miller, Nebula-Award-Winning author of Blackfish City

“One of the most celebrated new voices in epic fantasy.”―Salon.com


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