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The Desolations of Devil’s Acre

Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children

Par / By Ransom Riggs

Book 6


[FR] La conclusion épique de la série des best-sellers Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children.


[EN] The epic conclusion to the #1 bestselling Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children series.

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La dernière chose que Jacob Portman a vue avant que le monde ne s’écroule, c’est un visage terriblement familier.

Soudain, Noor et lui se retrouvent à l’endroit où tout a commencé, dans la maison de son grand-père. Jacob ne sait pas comment ils ont échappé à la boucle de V pour se retrouver en Floride. Mais il est certain d’une chose : Caul est revenu.

Après avoir échappé de justesse à une cavité assoiffée de sang, Jacob et Noor retrouvent Miss Peregrine et les enfants étranges de Devil’s Acre. L’Acre est en proie à des désolations, des fronts météorologiques de cendres, de sang et d’os, un terrible présage de l’armée de Caul qui s’amasse.

Ressuscité de la Bibliothèque des âmes et plus puissant que jamais, Caul et son programme apocalyptique semblent inarrêtables. Il ne reste qu’un seul espoir : amener Noor au lieu de rencontre des sept prophètes. S’ils peuvent déchiffrer son emplacement secret.

Le destin de tous les êtres étranges est en jeu alors que Jacob et ses amis affrontent des ennemis mortels et courent à travers les boucles les plus dangereuses de l’histoire dans cette conclusion épique de la série des best-sellers Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children.


The last thing Jacob Portman saw before the world went dark was a terrible, familiar face.

Suddenly, he and Noor are back in the place where everything began—his grandfather’s house. Jacob doesn’t know how they escaped from V’s loop to find themselves in Florida. But he does know one thing for certain: Caul has returned.

After a narrow getaway from a blood- thirsty hollow, Jacob and Noor reunite with Miss Peregrine and the peculiar children in Devil’s Acre. The Acre is being plagued by desolations—weather fronts of ash and blood and bone—a terrible portent of Caul’s amassing army.

Risen from the Library of Souls and more powerful than ever, Caul and his apocalyptic agenda seem unstoppable. Only one hope remains—deliver Noor to the meeting place of the seven prophesied ones. If they can decipher its secret location.

The fate of all peculiardom hangs in the balance as Jacob and his friends face deadly enemies and race through history’s most dangerous loops in this epic conclusion to the #1 bestselling Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children series.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Ransom Riggs est l’auteur des romans “Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children”, best-seller du New York Times. Riggs est né dans une ferme du Maryland et a grandi dans le sud de la Floride. Il a étudié la littérature au Kenyon College et le cinéma à l’université de Californie du Sud. Il vit à Los Angeles avec sa femme, l’auteur à succès Tahereh Mafi, et leur famille.


Ransom Riggs is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children novels. Riggs was born on a farm in Maryland and grew up in southern Florida. He studied literature at Kenyon College and film at the University of Southern California. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, bestselling author Tahereh Mafi, and their family.


“Oh, my birds, I love this book! I’m obsessed with Ransom Riggs’ wildly creative world packed with heroic, heartwarming characters, supper baddies, and incredible settings like Devil’s Acre and the Library of Souls.”—Annalyse, Justine Magazine

“Fans of the trilogy’s first two books will enjoy Library of Souls for its unique world, fast action, satisfying answers and a thorough tying up of loose ends.”—Free Lance-Star

Library of Souls will not disappoint.”—Forces of Geek

“I was blown away by the way the haunting photographs were woven so seamlessly into the incredible plot. And Library of Souls has simply the most perfect ending.”—Nikki, Justine Magazine

“The challenge Riggs faces in Library of Souls is to match the remarkably high standard set by the first two books in the series, either the mind-bending bafflements of the first book or the edge-of-your-seat action of the second. Riggs succeeds, delivering a thrilling conclusion to Jacob’s trilogy.”—Paste magazine

“Fans will easily lose themselves in this most peculiar tale of all.”—Booklist

“Thrilling and satisfying.”—School Library Journal

“Enthralling.”—Children’s Bookwatch

“I enjoyed reading this book so much, the cliched, ‘I couldn’t put it down,’ doesn’t suffice.”—Geeks of Doom

“Readers are sure to leap right in after the cliffhanger ending of Hollow City, and they won’t be disappointed.”—RT Book Review, 4 1/2 out of 5 stars

“Non-stop wonder.”—Geeks of Doom

Praise for Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

“A tense, moving, and wondrously strange first novel. The photographs and text work together brilliantly to create an unforgettable story.”—John Green, New York Times best-selling author of Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns

“Readers searching for the next Harry Potter may want to visit Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.”—CNN

“Riggs deftly moves between fantasy and reality, prose and photography to create an enchanting and at times positively terrifying story.”—Associated Press

“I read all of the Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children books and I loved them.”—Florence of Florence + The Machine

“[A] thrilling, Tim Burton-esque tale with haunting photographs.”—USA Today Pop Candy

“With its X-Men: First Class-meets-time-travel story line, David Lynchian imagery, and rich, eerie detail, it’s no wonder Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children has been snapped up by Twentieth Century Fox. B+”—Entertainment Weekly

“Peculiar’ doesn’t even begin to cover it. Riggs’ chilling, wondrous novel is already headed to the movies.”—People

“You’ll love it if you want a good thriller for the summer. It’s a mystery, and you’ll race to solve it before Jacob figures it out for himself.”—Seventeen

“This peculiar parable is pure perfection.”—Justine magazine

“One of the coolest, creepiest YA books.”—PopSugar

Praise for Hollow City

“I was blown away…Hollow City is fantastic.”—USAToday.com

“A worthy follow-up, and as addictive a read as the first.”—Hypable

Hollow City mixes spooky vintage photos and action-packed storytelling to continue the story of Jacob Portman and his fellow “peculiars” as they travel through time to war-torn London.”—Dan Kois, Slate

“A perfect blend of creepiness and thoughtfulness.”—PopMatters

“A stunning achievement… Hollow City is even richer than Riggs’s imaginative debut, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.”—Boston Globe

“What makes the series soar, however, is not the world-building, as intriguing as it is, but the heartfelt intensity of the emotions.”—Virginian-Pilot

“Ideal for fans of Neil Gaiman and Daniel Kraus, Hollow City blends fantasy and horror into a world that will engross readers and leave them eager for more.”—Shelf Awareness for Readers

“A tasty adventure for any reader with an appetite for the…peculiar.”—Kirkus Reviews

“New readers of the series will find this novel a treat…Fans of the first title will find this book a treasure. The only downside: waiting for the third installment to find out what happens to Jacob and his peculiar friends.”—School Library Journal

“Riggs has created a fresh and original world in these Peregrine novels, with likable, quirky characters and a very readable style.”—Library Journal Xpress Review

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