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The Sinister Booksellers of Bath

Livre/book 2: Left-Handed Booksellers of London

Par / By Garth Nix


[FR] Retournez dans le monde enchanteur de The Left-Handed Booksellers of London dans cette suite de Garth Nix, maître à succès de la fantasy pour adolescents, où une fois de plus une équipe de libraires doit se battre pour garder sous silence une magie dangereuse avant que l’étoffe des légendes ne détruise notre monde. Best-seller du New York Times !


[EN] Return to the enchanting world of The Left-Handed Booksellers of London in this sequel by Garth Nix, bestselling master of teen fantasy, where once again a team of booksellers must fight to keep dangerous magic under cover before the stuff of legends destroys our world. New York Times bestseller!

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Il y a souvent des problèmes d’ordre mythique à Bath. Les libraires qui font la police de l’Ancien Monde y exercent une surveillance attentive, notamment sur l’entité qui habite l’ancienne source d’eau chaude.

Cette fois-ci, les ennuis viennent de la découverte d’une carte magique, qui entraîne le libraire gaucher Merlin dans un grand danger, nécessitant une tentative de sauvetage désespérée de la part de sa sœur, la libraire droitière Vivien, et de l’étudiante en art Susan Arkshaw, qui a encore du mal à faire face à son propre héritage magique récemment découvert.

La carte emmène le trio dans un lieu séparé de ce monde, entretenu par une sorcellerie mortelle et gardé par de monstrueuses statues vivantes. Mais ce n’est que le début. Pour percer les secrets d’une ancienne souveraine meurtrière, les libraires doivent enquêter sur des siècles de disparitions et de morts. S’ils ne l’arrêtent pas, elle ne tardera pas à tuer à nouveau. Et cette fois, sa cible n’est pas un simple mortel.


There is often trouble of a mythical sort in Bath. The booksellers who police the Old World keep a careful watch there, particularly on the entity that inhabits the ancient hot spring.

This time trouble comes from the discovery of a sorcerous map, leading left-handed bookseller Merlin into great danger, requiring a desperate rescue attempt from his sister, the right-handed bookseller Vivien, and art student Susan Arkshaw, who is still struggling to deal with her own recently discovered magical heritage.

The map takes the trio to a place separated from this world, maintained by deadly sorcery and guarded by monstrous living statues. But this is only the beginning. To unravel the secrets of a murderous Ancient Sovereign, the booksellers must investigate centuries of disappearances and deaths. If they do not stop her, she will soon kill again. And this time, her target is not an ordinary mortal.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Garth Nix est né en 1963 à Melbourne, en Australie, au son de la fanfare de l’Armée du Salut qui jouait “Hail the Conquering Hero Comes” ou peut-être “Roll Out the Barrel”. Garth a quitté Melbourne très jeune pour Canberra (la capitale fédérale) et y est resté jusqu’à l’âge de dix-neuf ans, date à laquelle il est parti parcourir le Royaume-Uni dans une Austin déglinguée avec un coffre rempli de livres et une machine à écrire Silver-Reed. Il est aujourd’hui un auteur primé et l’un des noms les plus influents du fantastique contemporain.


Garth Nix was born in 1963 in Melbourne, Australia, to the sound of the Salvation Army band outside playing ’Hail the Conquering Hero Comes’ or possibly ’Roll Out the Barrel’. Garth left Melbourne at an early age for Canberra (the federal capital) and stayed there till he was nineteen, when he left to drive around the UK in a beat-up Austin with a boot full of books and a Silver-Reed typewriter. He is now an award-winning author and one of the most influential names in contemporary fantasy.


“This satisfying sequel keeps up the same breathless pace as The Left-Handed Booksellers of London. It’s a treat to rejoin Susan and company on their ever-expanding adventures.” — Booklist

PRAISE FOR BOOK 1: THE LEFT-HANDED BOOKSELLERS OF LONDON: “The worldbuilding is exquisite—the broad, immersive world and the specific rules for types of booksellers maintain a sense of discovery, and Susan and Merlin, the heroic protagonists, have vibrant, entertaining personalities (and a realistic romantic storyline). Readers will beg for more adventures in this London.”  — Kirkus Reviews

“[An] immersive fantasy. Nix builds meta mentions [and] marries fey elements and spectacular bookshops with booksellers who wield mystical artifacts, cold steel, and magic. Unflappable Susan and wonderfully costumed, magically gender-fluid Merlin make for a fantasy that genre fans, teen or adult, won’t want to miss.”- — Publishers Weekly

“Nix wastes no time getting to the action, throwing readers headlong into the splendid new world alongside the bewildered but determined heroine. It’s an incredibly diverse, detailed, and . . . Nix puts in enough twists to make it his own. A remarkable romp through a fantastical new world.”  — Booklist

“Nix’s latest offers a thrill-packed fantasy adventure. Strong world building is clearly informed by a deep knowledge of local mythologies, and the allusions, literary shoutouts, and pseudo-historical references become a game for the clued-in reader. Overall, this is a fresh, engaging fantasy with an old-school, nostalgic vibe.”  — Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

“As in his high-fantasy novels, Nix puts a strong, capable, and resourceful young woman front and center within a diverse cast [with] tropes from British spy stories. A thrilling, suspenseful romp with lots of humor and romantic tension; we haven’t seen the last of Susan and Merlin.”  — Horn Book Magazine

“A warm, whimsical delight—The Left-Handed Booksellers of London is a witty, clever adventure in an exquisitely detailed world you will love escaping into.” — Veronica Roth, New York Times bestselling author of DIVERGENT

“A compelling magical romp, both familiar and inventive. These bookshops would be worth visiting at any time—but they feel like a special treat while I can’t set foot in a real one.”  — Molly Templeton, Tor.com

“This was my first time reading Garth Nix and it was great, wacky and fun. It throws gender norms out the window and gives you a quirky, adventure-filled good time. The characters were great and the storyline was fantastic. I loved all the books named throughout the book. It’s a cool book list. Very funny, and very good.”  — Kim Brock, Joseph-Beth Booksellers (Cincinnati, OH)


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