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Bone season T.2 : L’ordre des Mimes

Par / By Samantha Shannon


[FR] Paige Mahoney s’échappe de la colonie pénitentiaire de Sheol I mais les Rephaïm partent à sa poursuite. Devenue la personne la plus recherchée de Londres, elle renoue avec le syndicat du crime des clairvoyants, les Sept Sceaux.


[EN] Paige Mahoney escapes from the penal colony of Sheol I, but the Rephaim go after her. Now the most wanted person in London, she reunites with the clairvoyant crime syndicate, the Seven Seals.

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Paige has escaped from the Sheol I penal colony, but her problems have only just begun, as she is now the most wanted person in London. The dreamwalker has some revelations to make in front of the Abnormals’ assembly. And this is not to everyone’s taste, including the clairvoyant community, which is shaken by deep dissensions. Paige must continue to hide, from the Seven Cadres to Westminster and the secret catacombs of Camden, until the fate of the underworld can be decided.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Née en 1991, Samantha Shannon a commencé à écrire à l’âge de quinze ans. Elle est aujourd’hui diplômée de littérature anglaise et surnommée ” la nouvelle J.K. Rowling “. Bone Season, son premier roman, a été traduit dans une vingtaine de langues.


Born in 1991, Samantha Shannon began writing at the age of fifteen. She is now a graduate in English literature and has been dubbed “the new J.K. Rowling”. Bone Season, her first novel, has been translated into twenty languages.



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