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Xenogenesis Trilogy, book 1

Par / By Octavia E. Butler


[FR] Une femme est appelée à reconstruire l’avenir de l’humanité après une guerre nucléaire, dans ce récit post-apocalyptique révélateur de l’auteur primé de La Parabole du Semeur.


[EN] One woman is called upon to rebuild the future of humankind after a nuclear war, in this revelatory post-apocalyptic tale from the award-winning author of Parable of the Sower.

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Lorsque Lilith lyapo se réveille après un sommeil de plusieurs siècles, elle se retrouve à bord du vaste vaisseau spatial des Oankali. Elle découvre que les Oankali – une race extraterrestre apparemment bienveillante – sont intervenus dans le destin de l’humanité il y a des centaines d’années, en sauvant tous les survivants d’une guerre nucléaire sur une Terre mourante et en ruine, puis en les plongeant dans un profond sommeil. Après avoir appris tout ce qu’ils pouvaient sur la Terre et ses habitants, les Oankali ont soigné la planète, guéri le cancer, augmenté la force humaine, et ils veulent maintenant que Lilith ramène son peuple sur Terre – mais le salut a un prix.

Plein d’espoir et suscitant la réflexion, ce récit post-apocalyptique explore habilement les questions de genre et de race à travers les yeux de personnages qui luttent pour s’adapter à une période charnière de crise et de changement.


When Lilith lyapo wakes from a centuries-long sleep, she finds herself aboard the vast spaceship of the Oankali. She discovers that the Oankali—a seemingly benevolent alien race—intervened in the fate of the humanity hundreds of years ago, saving everyone who survived a nuclear war from a dying, ruined Earth and then putting them into a deep sleep. After learning all they could about Earth and its beings, the Oankali healed the planet, cured cancer, increased human strength, and they now want Lilith to lead her people back to Earth—but salvation comes at a price.

Hopeful and thought-provoking, this post-apocalyptic narrative deftly explores gender and race through the eyes of characters struggling to adapt during a pivotal time of crisis and change.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Née à Pasadena en 1947, longtemps considérée comme une des femmes les plus connues dans le domaine de la science-fiction, Octavia E. Butler devient célèbre en 1979 avec Kindred, le récit d’une jeune fille qui voyage dans le temps et rencontre ses ancêtres esclaves. Lauréate du prix Hugo 1984 et 1985 dans la catégorie nouvelles et du prix Nebula 1994 pour La Parabole des talents, ainsi que du très prestigieux prix MacArthur Grant « Genius », elle est le premier écrivain de science-fiction à recevoir cette distinction. Octavia E. Butler est décédée en 2006 à Seattle, à 59 ans.


Born in Pasadena in 1947 and long considered one of the best-known women in science fiction, Octavia E. Butler became famous in 1979 with Kindred, the story of a young girl who travels back in time and meets her slave ancestors. Winner of the 1984 and 1985 Hugo Awards for short stories and the 1994 Nebula Award for La Parabole des talents, as well as the prestigious MacArthur Grant “Genius” Award, she is the first science fiction writer to receive this distinction. Octavia E. Butler died in 2006 in Seattle at the age of 59.


“Brilliant, endlessly rich…pairs well with 1984 or The Handmaid’s Tale.“―John Green, New York Times (on Parable of the Sower)

Wild Seed is a book that shifted my life . . . It is as epic, as game-changing, as moving and brilliant as any science fiction novel ever written.”―Viola Davis

“If we’re talking must-read authors like Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, and Toni Morrison, the one-and-only Octavia Butler needs be a part of the conversation. The groundbreaking sci-fi and speculative fiction author was a master of spinning imaginative tales that introduced you to both the possibilities — and dangers — of the human race, all while offering lessons on tribalism, race, gender, and sexuality.”―O, The Oprah Magazine

“A revolutionary voice in her lifetime, Butler has only become more popular and influential . . . A generation of younger writers cite her as an influence, from Jemisin and Tochi Onyebuchi to Marlon James and Nnedi Okarafor . . .She is now praised as a visionary who anticipated many of the issues in the news today, from the coronavirus to climate change to the election of President Donald Trump.”―Associated Press

“An internationally acclaimed science fiction writer whose evocative, often troubling, novels explore far-reaching issues of race, sex, power and, ultimately, what it means to be human.”―New York Times

“More than any novel I’ve ever read, Octavia Butler’s Wild Seed examines power, what it means to wield it responsibly and what it means to resist it when it is wielded capriciously.”―Rion Amilcar Scott, PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize-winning author of Insurrections

“Butler is one of the finest voices in fiction-period . . . A master storyteller with a voice that cradles and captivates, Butler casts an unflinching eye on racism, sexism, poverty and ignorance, and lets the reader see the terror and beauty of human nature.”―Washington Post Book World

“In the ongoing contest over which dystopian classic is most applicable to our time, Octavia Butler’s ‘Parable’ books may be unmatched.”―New Yorker


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