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Truth of the Divine: A Novel

[book 2]

Par / By Lindsay Ellis


[FR] Truth of the Divine est le dernier roman de la série Noumena sur l’histoire alternative du premier contact, écrit par Lindsay Ellis, auteur de best-sellers du New York Times, du Wall Street Journal et du Los Angeles Times.


[EN] Truth of the Divine is the latest alternate-history first-contact novel in the Noumena series from the instant New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times bestselling author Lindsay Ellis.

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EAN: 9781250274540 ND , , , ,

La race humaine est à la croisée des chemins ; nous savons que nous ne sommes pas seuls, mais les détails de la présence extraterrestre sur Terre sont toujours cachés au public. Alors que le climat politique devient de plus en plus instable, le monde est forcé d’envisager les ramifications de l’octroi de droits humains à des personnes non humaines. Comment définir le terme “personne” en premier lieu ?

Cora Sabino sert non seulement d’intermédiaire de communication à temps plein entre l’entité extraterrestre Ampersand et ses accompagnateurs gouvernementaux, mais elle partage également avec lui un lien mystérieux, à la fois douloureux et intime, qu’aucun d’entre eux n’aurait pu anticiper. Malgré cela, Ampersand tient à garder des secrets, même vis-à-vis de Cora, ce qui se retourne contre eux lorsque le journaliste d’investigation Kaveh Mazandarani, un proche collègue du père sans scrupules de Cora, est témoin de bien plus de machinations d’Ampersand que quiconque n’était censé en voir.

Cora n’ayant d’autre choix que de faire confiance à Kaveh, tous deux doivent travailler ensemble pour prouver à un monde effrayé que les êtres intelligents et conscients doivent être considérés comme des personnes, aussi horribles, puissants ou malveillants qu’ils puissent paraître. Il est déjà difficile de défendre cette cause lorsque le public ne sait pas à qui il a affaire, et cela ne fera que s’aggraver lorsqu’un mystérieux éclair illuminera le ciel, marquant l’arrivée d’un agent du chaos qui mettra le feu à un monde déjà instable.

Avec une voix bien à elle, Lindsay Ellis approfondit son exploration réaliste de la réalité d’une planète confrontée à la présence d’une intelligence extraterrestre, sondant les questions essentielles de l’humanité et de la décence, ainsi que les limites de l’esprit humain.

Tout en posant la question de ce qui constitue une “personne”, Ellis examine également ce qui fait un monstre.


The human race is at a crossroads; we know that we are not alone, but details about the alien presence on Earth are still being withheld from the public. As the political climate grows more unstable, the world is forced to consider the ramifications of granting human rights to nonhuman persons. How do you define “person” in the first place?

Cora Sabino not only serves as the full-time communication intermediary between the alien entity Ampersand and his government chaperones but also shares a mysterious bond with him that is both painful and intimate in ways neither of them could have anticipated. Despite this, Ampersand is still keen on keeping secrets, even from Cora, which backfires on them both when investigative journalist Kaveh Mazandarani, a close colleague of Cora’s unscrupulous estranged father, witnesses far more of Ampersand’s machinations than anyone was meant to see.

Since Cora has no choice but to trust Kaveh, the two must work together to prove to a fearful world that intelligent, conscious beings should be considered persons, no matter how horrifying, powerful, or malicious they may seem. Making this case is hard enough when the public doesn’t know what it’s dealing with―and it will only become harder when a mysterious flash illuminates the sky, marking the arrival of an agent of chaos that will light an already-unstable world on fire.

With a voice completely her own, Lindsay Ellis deepens her realistic exploration of the reality of a planet faced with the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence, probing the essential questions of humanity and decency, and the boundaries of the human mind.

While asking the question of what constitutes a “person,” Ellis also examines what makes a monster.

Poids 730 g
Dimensions 17.25 × 3.94 × 23.93 cm

Auteur.rice / Author

LINDSAY ELLIS est une auteure de best-sellers du New York Times, finaliste du prix Hugo et essayiste vidéo qui crée du contenu en ligne sur les médias, la narration, la littérature et la théorie du cinéma. Après avoir obtenu une licence en études cinématographiques à la Tisch School of the Arts de l’université de New York, elle a obtenu une maîtrise en production cinématographique et télévisuelle, avec une spécialisation dans les documentaires et l’écriture de scénarios, à la School of Cinematic Arts de l’université de Californie du Sud. Elle vit à Long Beach, en Californie. Son premier roman, Axiom’s End, a été un best-seller immédiat du New York Times.


LINDSAY ELLIS is a New York Times bestselling author, Hugo Award finalist, and video essayist who creates online content about media, narrative, literature, and film theory. After earning her bachelor’s in cinema studies from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, she earned her MFA in film and television production, with a focus in documentary and screenwriting, from USC’s School of Cinematic Arts. She lives in Long Beach, California. Her debut novel, Axiom’s End, was an instant New York Times bestseller.

Praise / revue de presse

Axiom’s End is somehow deeply aware of not just what it is to be human, but what it is to be any intelligent species. It’s as real as any first-contact story I have ever read. Wonderfully plotted and paced, the adventure never lets up, and neither does the insight.” ―Hank Green, #1 New York Times bestselling author of An Absolutely Remarkable Thing

“So much fun. Lindsay Ellis’s experience as one of our sharpest cultural observers gives Axiom’s End an edge of realism that makes it both cutting and compelling. Close encounters have a whole new look.”
―John Scalzi, New York Times bestselling author and Hugo Award winner

“Axiom’s End is eerily plausible and wildly entertaining. An alternate history that fully delivers on its premise.” Caitlin Doughty, New York Times Bestselling Author and Mortician

“Lindsay Ellis’s storytelling is what good science fiction should be: smart but heartfelt, full of profound ideas delivered with a sense of humanity. Axiom’s End is engaging precisely because it is about something all of us have experienced: That moment when you grow up enough to realize that the universe is more wondrous―and dangerous than you could ever have imagined.”
―David Wong, New York Times bestselling author

Axiom’s End: if you enjoy first contact tales, alien cultures, inexplicable found families, beautiful chaos and elegantly constructed stories.” ―Seanan McGuire, New York Times bestselling author and Hugo Award Winner

“Suspenseful and inventive, but also funny and full of action, Axiom’s End remixes the Hollywood alien-invasion playbook.” ―Patrick Rapa, Philadelphia Inquirer

“Communication and trust are matters of life and death in Ellis’s thoughtful, fast-paced debut…the powerful connection that grows between Cora and Ampersand as they teach each other about their respective cultures is masterfully done. Lovers of character-focused sci-fi will find plenty to enjoy in this gripping alternate history.” Publishers Weekly

“At its core, Axiom’s End is warm-hearted…For all of its drama and philosophical conundrums, Ellis’s book is ultimately about the power of empathy and kindness in a universe that never has enough of either.” Shelf Awareness (starred review)

“A moving first contact thriller…touching on issues of prejudice and xenophobia along the way, Axiom’s End is the engaging first volume of a projected series.” The Guardian (UK)

Axiom’s End is the most relatable sci-fi novel in years…if you want to read a serious sci-fi novel that feels like it was written by a fan who understands the pop culture side of fandom, you’re in good hands…It’s a heartfelt story of alien first contact, but, luckily, unlike so many “big idea” sci-fi books, it’s utterly unpretentious…You’ve read other books about similar things, but you’ve never read them from this perspective.” Syfy Wire

Axiom’s End has gripping action scenes, but the bulk is an examination of language and what it means to communicate at all. Ellis’ endless literary knowledge shines through.” San Francisco Chronicle


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