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The League of Seven

Par / By Alan Gratz
Illustré(d) par/by Brett Helquist

#1 League of Seven


[FR] The League of Seven est le premier livre d’une série steampunk pleine d’action, écrite par l’auteur acclamé de Samurai Shortstop, Alan Gratz.


[EN] The League of Seven is the first book in an action-packed, steampunk series by the acclaimed author of Samurai Shortstop, Alan Gratz.


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Dans une Amérique alternative de 1875, l’électricité est interdite, les Amérindiens et les Yankees sont unis, et un mal sordide se cache dans l’ombre. Le jeune Archie Dent sait qu’il y a vraiment des monstres dans le monde. Ses parents sont membres de la Septemberist Society, dont le travail consiste à protéger l’humanité des géants hideux appelés les Mangleborn. Piégés dans des prisons souterraines depuis un millier d’années, les monstres géants ont été pratiquement oubliés, mais ils refont surface alors que l’Amérique à vapeur de 1875 redécouvre l’électricité, source de vie des Mangleborn. Lorsque ses parents et le reste des Septemberists subissent un lavage de cerveau par l’une de ces créatures maléfiques, Archie doit réunir une équipe de sept jeunes héros pour sauver le monde.


In an alternate 1875 America electricity is forbidden, Native Americans and Yankees are united, and eldritch evil lurks in the shadows. Young Archie Dent knows there really are monsters in the world. His parents are members of the Septemberist Society, whose job it is to protect humanity from hideous giants called the Mangleborn. Trapped in underground prisons for a thousand years, the giant monsters have been all but forgotten—but now they are rising again as the steam-driven America of 1875 rediscovers electricity, the lifeblood of the Mangleborn. When his parents and the rest of the Septemberists are brainwashed by one of the evil creatures, Archie must assemble a team of seven young heroes to save the world.

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Auteur.rice / Author

ALAN GRATZ est l’auteur de Samurai Shortstop, un des dix meilleurs livres pour jeunes adultes de l’ALA en 2007. Il a commencé à écrire The League of Seven en énumérant toutes les choses qu’Alan, âgé de dix ans, aurait trouvées géniales, notamment les lunettes en laiton, les dirigeables, les monstres à tentacules, les cerveaux en bocal, les robots à remonter, les sociétés secrètes et les super pouvoirs. (En fait, il pense toujours que toutes ces choses sont géniales). Il vit en Caroline du Nord avec sa femme et sa fille.


ALAN GRATZ is the author of Samurai Shortstop, an ALA 2007 Top Ten Book for Young Adults. He began writing The League of Seven by listing all the things that ten-year-old Alan would have thought were awesome, including brass goggles, airships, tentacled monsters, brains in jars, windup robots, secret societies, and super powers. (In fact, he still thinks all those things are awesome.) He lives in North Carolina with his wife and daughter.


“An enticing alternate history presents an America in which Native tribes have as much power and presence as Yankees, with politics of their own to navigate. Gratz has created an imaginative world with appeal far beyond its immediate middle-grade market.” —Publishers Weekly

“Gratz works an unusual twist into the familiar teens-saving-the-Earth-from-monsters trope: The protagonist is both archetypal hero and, at least potentially, nemesis…. Action, banter and steampunk-style tech aplenty–plus truly icky foes inspired, the author acknowledges, by the creations of H.P. Lovecraft–make this an appealingly fast-paced trilogy opener.” —Kirkus Reviews

“This hybrid of steampunk and alternate American history features a hell-raising girl’s school, Atlantis, and three highly likable leads in a yarn rip-roaring from start to finish…. Moments of humor and pathos enliven the history and fantasy. Though the main plot concerning Archie’s parents is resolved, there is plenty to address and discover in a sequel.” —Booklist

“This steampunk love-letter set in an alternative 1870s America, packs in quite a lot of action.” —School Library Journal

“A fast-paced, action-packed adventure of the best kind! The world of The League of Seven is wonderfully unique and refreshingly diverse–even the most reluctant of readers won’t be able to put it down!” —Carrie Ryan, New York Times bestselling author