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This Shattered World (book 2)

A Starbound Novel

Par / By Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner


[FR] Le deuxième volet de la trilogie de science-fiction Starbound du duo d’auteurs Amie Kaufman et Meagan Spooner, best-sellers du New York Times, est une histoire inoubliable d’amour et de pardon dans un monde déchiré par la guerre, un “Roméo et Juliette de science-fiction” (Booklist).


[EN] The second in New York Times bestselling author duo Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner’s sweeping science fiction Starbound Trilogy is an unforgettable story of love and forgiveness in a world torn apart by war, a “sci-fi Romeo and Juliet” (Booklist).

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Jubilee Chase et Flynn Cormac n’auraient jamais dû se rencontrer. Lee est capitaine des forces envoyées sur Avon pour écraser les colons rebelles de la planète terraformée, et elle a ses propres raisons de détester les insurgés. Flynn, quant à lui, mène la rébellion contre le puissant conglomérat d’entreprises qui fait fortune en terraformant des planètes inhabitables à travers l’univers et en recrutant des colons pour rendre ces planètes vivables, et qui gouverne d’une main de fer avec des promesses non tenues.

Désespéré à l’idée d’avoir un avantage sur les militaires qui occupent sa maison, Flynn fait la seule chose qui ait du sens lorsque ses chemins et ceux de Lee se croisent : il retourne à la base avec elle comme prisonnière. Mais alors que ses camarades rebelles s’apprêtent à exécuter cette jeune fille au langage dur et aux nerfs d’acier, Flynn fait un autre choix qui le changera à jamais. Lee et lui s’échappent ensemble de la base, pris entre les deux camps d’une guerre absurde.


Jubilee Chase and Flynn Cormac should never have met. Lee is captain of the forces sent to Avon to crush the terraformed planet’s rebellious colonists, and she has her own reasons for hating the insurgents. Whereas Flynn is leading the rebellion against the powerful corporate conglomerate that make their fortune by terraforming uninhabitable planets across the universe and recruiting colonists to make the planets livable, and rule with an iron fist and unrealized promises.

Desperate for any advantage against the military occupying his home, Flynn does the only thing that makes sense when he and Lee cross paths: he returns to base with her as prisoner. But as his fellow rebels prepare to execute this tough-talking girl with nerves of steel, Flynn makes another choice that will change him forever. He and Lee escape base together, caught between two sides in a senseless war.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Amie Kaufman et Meagan Spooner sont des amies de longue date, parfois colocataires, qui ont parcouru le monde (mais pas encore la galaxie), couvrant à elles deux tous les continents. Elles sont convaincues que l’espace n’est qu’une question de temps. Meagan, qui est également l’auteur de la trilogie Skylark, vit actuellement à Asheville, en Caroline du Nord. Amie, coauteur des dossiers Illuminae, vit à Melbourne, en Australie. Bien qu’elles vivent actuellement séparément, elles sont unies par leur amour du space opera, des voyages en voiture et des deuxièmes petits déjeuners. Vous pouvez les retrouver sur Twitter @AmieKaufman et @MeaganSpooner.


Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner are longtime friends and sometime flatmates who have traveled the world (but not yet the galaxy), covering every continent between them. They are sure outer space is only a matter of time. Meagan, who is also the author of the Skylark trilogy, currently lives in Asheville, North Carolina. Amie, who is the coauthor of the Illuminae Files, lives in Melbourne, Australia. Although they currently live apart, they are united by their love of space opera, road trips, and second breakfasts. You can find them on Twitter @AmieKaufman and @MeaganSpooner.


“Kaufman and Spooner prove that their first brilliant installment was no fluke with this strong second outing. . . . There is action, a spark of romance, and a mystery, all set on a fully-realized planet. “―School Library Journal

“Neither side is right, neither is wrong, but this sci-fi Romeo and Juliet are destined to fall in love in spite of the hatred and danger that surround them. Kaufman and Spooner have transitioned smoothly from These Broken Stars.”―Booklist

“Fans of the first book, as well as those who like impossible romance between two people on opposing sides, will enjoy this sequel.”―VOYA

Praise for These Broken Stars

“Absolutely brilliant. This is the sci fi I’ve been waiting for! Action, romance, twists and turns–this book has it all!” ―Beth Revis, New York Times bestselling author of Across the Universe

“With rich, complex characters and a dynamic–and dangerous–new world, These Broken Stars completely transported me.”―Jodi Meadows, author of the Incarnate series

“One of the most intense, thrilling, and achingly beautiful stories I’ve ever read. Kaufman and Spooner will break your heart with skilled aplomb, and you’ll thank them for it. Absolutely incredible! If I have to, I will come to your house and shove this book into your hands!”
Marie Lu, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Legend Trilogy

*”Lilac and Tarver are characters of depth, complexity, and strength, young people who alternately elicit the reader’s admiration, frustration, and sympathy … a testament to love, loyalty, courage, and the power of good over dystopian greed and perversity.”―Booklist, starred review

“The authors begin with star-crossed lovers and a crash-landing survival story but add excitingly original material to these tropes to create a wonderful tale that should appeal to both teen and adult readers.”―School Library Journal

“Kaufman and Spooner’s debut collaboration is a stunning, gorgeously imagined romance with epic sweep, brimming with lush detail of setting and intricate character study. It’s the kind of read to savor, but the survivalist plotting still rushes the reader to keep turning pages.”
Ingram Library Group

“With well-developed characters and an excellent narration style, Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner have crafted an insightful, shrewd and genuinely moving exploration of life, humanity and the moral obligations neglected in the name of progress. These Broken Stars is a romantic and heartbreaking tale that is complete in its own right while still leaving readers excited for future installments. Intense, emotional and compelling, it will appeal to readers (aged 12 and up) who like their sci-fi thoughtful and challenging–and just a little bit sexy.”―Books+Publishing


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