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The Monster War

Par / By Alan Gratz

#3 League of Seven


[FR] The Monster War est le troisième livre de la série steampunk et pleine d’action League of Seven du célèbre auteur Alan Gratz.


[EN] The Monster War is the third book in the action-packed, steampunk League of Seven series by acclaimed author Alan Gratz.


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Ayant découvert le monstrueux secret de ses origines, Archie Dent n’est plus certain d’être digne de faire partie de la Ligue des Sept. Mais avec de nouveaux ennemis à affronter, il réalise qu’il n’a peut-être pas le luxe de remettre en question son destin.

Brandissant la Lanterne Dragon, la maniaque Philomena Moffett a tourné le dos à la Septemberist Society, créant sa propre Shadow League et déchaînant une armée de monstres sur le continent américain. Archie et ses amis doivent faire la course pour retrouver les deux derniers membres de leur ligue à temps pour contrecarrer le plan de Moffett et sauver l’humanité une fois de plus.


Having discovered the monstrous secret of his origins, Archie Dent is no longer certain that he is worthy to be a member of the League of Seven. But with new enemies to face, he realizes that he may not have the luxury of questioning his destiny.

Wielding the Dragon Lantern, the maniacal Philomena Moffett has turned her back on the Septemberist Society, creating her own Shadow League and unleashing a monster army on the American continent. Archie and his friends must race to find the last two members of their league in time to thwart Moffett’s plan and rescue humanity once more.

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Auteur.rice / Author

ALAN GRATZ est l’auteur de la série La Ligue des Sept, Samurai Shortstop et Prisonnier B-3087. Il a commencé à écrire The League of Seven, qui a remporté le prix du livre pour jeunes adultes de la Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance, en énumérant toutes les choses qu’Alan, âgé de dix ans, aurait trouvées géniales, notamment les lunettes en laiton, les dirigeables, les monstres à tentacules, les cerveaux en bocal, les robots à remonter, les sociétés secrètes et les super pouvoirs. (En fait, il pense toujours que toutes ces choses sont géniales). Il vit en Caroline du Nord avec sa femme et sa fille.


ALAN GRATZ is the author of the League of Seven series, Samurai Shortstop, and Prisoner B-3087. He began writing The League of Seven, winner of the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance Young Adult Book Award, by listing all the things that ten-year-old Alan would have thought were awesome, including brass goggles, airships, tentacled monsters, brains in jars, windup robots, secret societies, and super powers. (In fact, he still thinks all those things are awesome.) He lives in North Carolina with his wife and daughter.


“Those who enjoyed Westerfeld’s Leviathan series will also find the League of Seven engaging.” -Children’s Literature on The Dragon Lantern “Gratz continues to impress with his alternate 1870s America, which is believable in its innovation and the way it plays with actual events. The scene is set for a dramatic and challenging conclusion in book three.” -Booklist on The Dragon Lanterns “What else can I say, the book has robot ninjas, rayguns, mind control, and electricity cannons.” -Travis, age 16, YALSA’s YA Galley reviewer, on The League of Seven

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