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Les machines à illusions

Par / By Philip K. Dick
Avec la collaboration de / with the collaboration of Ray Nelson
Traduit/translated par/by Jacqueline Huet


[FR] En 2050, les Ganymédiens, monstres venus d’une lointaine planète et doués d’une intelligence supérieure, ont conquis la Terre et soumis les Terriens. Percy X est à la tête d’un groupe de résistants.


[EN] In 2050, the Ganymedans, monsters from a distant planet with superior intelligence, have conquered the Earth and subjugated the Earthlings. Percy X is the head of a group of resistance fighters.


Effacer / Clear


It is the year 2050, and the Earth is entirely under the control of Ganymedians. Well, almost, because in the mountains of Tennessee, rebels led by the intractable Percy X still resist to the invader. Since they got their hands on the illusion machines, these fabulous weapons born from the deranged brain of a psychiatrist, the rebels have seen the balance of power turn to their advantage. But such power does not go unpunished, and today’s victories may well cost much more than expected.

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Auteur.rice / Author

Aucun auteur de science-fiction n’a laissé derrière lui d’oeuvre plus personnelle que Philip K. Dick. En une quarantaine de romans et près de deux cents nouvelles, adaptés plus de quatre-vingts fois au cinéma (Total Recall, Blade Runner, Minority Report…), il a littéralement transcendé les frontières du genre.


No author of science fiction has left behind him a more personal work than Philip K. Dick. In about forty novels and nearly two hundred short stories, adapted more than eighty times to the cinema (Total Recall, Blade Runner, Minority Report...), he has literally transcended the boundaries of the genre.


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